Watermelon Mango Shrikhand (Indian Flavoured Yoghurt)

Watermelon Mango Shrikhand (Indian Flavoured Yoghurt) - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Watermelon Mango Shrikhand (Indian Flavoured Yoghurt)

Shrikhand is a very popular Indian dessert made from hung curd. It is a very creamy, delicious and thick dessert, which is usually served in Maharashtra and Gujarat states of India. To add to its deliciousness, various fruits puree are added. Mango increased its taste manifold and watermelon gives the freshness to the dessert. This dessert is irresistible and is a must try out recipe.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time20 hours
Cook Time10 hours
Total Time1 day 6 hours
Served AsDinner
Servings - 1


  • 1 cup Mango Puree รข
  • 1/2 cubes Watermelon or garnishing รข some scooped balls for garnishing
  • 2 tbsp Hung Curd 2 cups of curd will give 2 tbsp of hung curd รข
  • 1 tsp Castor Sugar รข
  • a Garnishing or pistachio sliced pistachio รข for


  • Make some hung curd by handing curd in muslin cloth till all the excess water gets off and only solid curd is left.
  • In a bowl, take hung curd, mix half the mango puree and castor sugar.
  • In a serving glass, place some cubed watermelon at base, then put a layer of mango puree, then layer of curd and mango mixture. Top with some pistachio and finally garnish with melon balls placed in a stick.
  • Serve cold and enjoy the yummy flavoured curd.

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Richa Gupta
Richa Gupta

I love to explore healthy way of cooking in my kitchen. I share my creations on my YouTube channel "Healthy Kadai"


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