Fruit Yogurt

Fruit Yogurt - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Fruit Yogurt

Time to say bye bye to winters and to welcome summers. Very confusing time for parents. Kids want ice-cream, parents are cautious and advising kids to wait for the right time to come. This option of Fruit Yogurt is having all the yummi-ness of ice-cream. To make it more colorful, attractive and content rich, I have added fruits like kiwi, strawberry, cherry and hidden almonds so our kids are getting enough nutrition.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time2 hours 10 minutes
Total Time2 hours 10 minutes
Served AsSnacks
Servings - 4




  • Take curd in muslin cloth and hung it in a cool and dry place for 2 hours. So that all the extra water gets removed
  • Take fruits wash them and chop them
  • In a bowl take hung curd whisk it for 3 to 4 minutes
  • Now add icing sugar and 4 to 5 drops of vanilla essence to hung curd and whisk it
  • Now add sliced almonds to this and mix it well
  • Take a serving glass add chopped fruits top it with hung curd mixture
  • Garnish with cherry and fruits
  • Keep it in refrigerator to make it chilled
  • Enjoy with your friends and family ...
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Meera Girdhar
Meera Girdhar


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