Dry "Dhokli" With Tadka Paani

Dry "Dhokli" With Tadka Paani - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Dry "Dhokli" With Tadka Paani

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Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Servings - 4




  • Grind rice, and lentils (chana and toor) in a grinder and take that mixture into a mixing bowl.
  • In an another small bowl, take whole wheat flour and add oil to it. Now rub that mixture with help of your palm. Add this mixture to the first bowl of grinned mixture. Mix it well.
  • Add salt, pinch of turmeric powder and pinch of soda powder. And with help of curd, knead it like a dough. Take a bowl full water and let it boil well.
  • By the time, prepare small portions from the dough and make it flat (like a traditional dhokali).Add these all dhokalis into boiling water and let them cook for almost 5-10 minutes on a high flame with the closed lead on the vessel.
  • Take all cooked dhokalis into a bowl. And let them cool down for a while.In a tempering pan, take 2 Tbspn of oil. Add mustard seeds and let them crackle well.
  • Add pinch of hing(Asafoetida) and sesame seeds, red chilly powder to it and temper it in the left boiled water. Let it boil again till 2 -3 shimmers (almost 5 minutes). In an another pan, take remaining 2 Tbspn oil, add mustard seeds, sesame seeds
  • Add all cooked dhokalis to the pan, and mix them well. Add pinch of salt (as they are cooked in a boiling water, some salt from them might have drained).
  • In a serving dish, Arrange dhokalis accompanied by tempered water in the shot glasses ( This is our way of serving. It can be served in your own way too... 🙂 ) A very unique savory dish is ready to ENJOY. .. !!!
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