Long wait ends with this one…

I am not a technical person and I don’t know what kind of efforts go into the making of a website. I don’t know what it would mean for a developer to create a CMS and link it to the front end and deliver it for testing. There definitely are a few people who know what it means to develop a website for somebody as cynical as Ankush and I am.


Wherein we are not considering it a website or something. We consider Plattershare a dream turning out into a reality at a very ultra slow speed. Whenever we look at something related to plattershare we close our eyes and compare it to what we had dreamt of. If there is a pin missing or a point extra, the developer faces a tough time. Hats off to Sanjay and his team who are still holding on and hats off to Ankush, because he is bearing with Sanjay and Team’s delay. My credit lies in working on both sides, knowing little, saying a lot.

Currently, we are waiting to start off with some sort of testing on our Plattershare so that we would be able to get the real feel of our dream, as a user. I am anticipating an energy boost up by tomorrow. A drastic acceleration is anticipated any time soon in the coming week.

Once our development team finishes off, everybody else would need to put their thinking caps on. The next challenge is to get the testing done as quickly as possible. I have a fool proof plan to get the testing wrapped up quickly and efficiently. After all, what do you need for testing a platform? A good network of friends and a lot of hours, some critical thinking. I am sure of all of us.


The next step would be marketing and data collection. That is what we are currently working on. The social marketing and the physical marketing. So, Kanika would look after the Social Media marketing. Get ready for some action girl. Sumit, Ankush and I would look after the physical marketing and we are also planning to buy a pair of good running shoes each. That would help us when we are on the feet in the market. Anybody interested in volunteering help in cash and kind is invited. 😉

Shilpa Jain
Shilpa Jain

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