We Love Food (Show That You Too!)

Facebook status updates, tweets on Twitter, messages in inbox, emails and our non-stop talks about Plattershare. Yes, from past 2 months we have been asking our friends and family to support crowd funding campaign on Wishberry. Lot of them believed in our team and helped us financially. Some thought we are crazy and they are absolutely correct. Yes, we are crazy about our dream called Plattershare and are not leaving any stone unturned to make this vision come true but without ‘You’ we can’t do and hence we need you and like us, if you love food, you would help us too.


So what are the ways by which you can help us rock and sail our boat towards our destination of bringing a revolution in food industry?

To begin with join us on Plattershare. I am sure that the foodie in you would love our food networking website as we have options to share recipes, reviews about restaurants, explore yummy dishes at various eateries.

Are you good at making tea or know how to toast bread or make an omelette, we are eagerly waiting for you with your recipe. Do post it along with the picture of the dish on our ‘Recipes‘ section.

Hold on! This place is not only for chefs, if are planning to give us this excuse that you are a bachelor, you don’t have time to cook or you always eat out and don’t have a kitchen at your place or simply just don’t like cooking that’s amazing !! This is what we want from you. One thing we know about you is that you love food and hangouts with friends and family, so click the picture of your order and just upload it. It would inspire others to eat the same and who knows you might be known as food critic and people would seek your opinion before trying any dish.

Who doesn’t like appreciation and admiration? This is one chance for you to show your love to your spouse, mother or father or anybody in your family and friends, tell them about Plattershare and ask them to join us and who knows in sometime they might begin to start a great career in food industry, becoming a FOOD CELEBRITY. They would always bless you.


Keep talking about us and if you don’t like talking that’s awesome! We have something for you – our Silent Killer (Silent as you don’t speak much and killer because you are such a charming personality that your FB and twitter status are followed by many. Keep posting about us and see you are already the part of food revolution.

Motivate and inspire us, see you soon on PLATTERSHARE.

Plattershare Food
Plattershare Food

Plattershare is platform to connect food lovers, food professionals and food brands. Share your recipes, food stories, food pictures and promote food businesses

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