Growth – Slow and Steady

Everyday the site is taking shape. We saw it growing from an idea to a domain name and then a blank page and then a blog and now a website with a few subdomains. All working effectively. It makes us feel proud. However, there is always a stangnant phase in the most dynamic growth process. This is the time we are facing here.



We are done with alot of things and are ready to launch a test site however, there is some java conflicts that we need to resolve and we are seeking a friend’s help for the same. He wants to take his own time before he gets his hands working on Plattershare. We are expecting a full fledged Plattershare to take the world by storm by the end of July.

Shilpa Jain remembers sitting in her room on that September afternoon,  wondering as to why can’t these luxurious food joints be a little more consumer friendly. She was thinking how can one reach these food chain management with our small concerns and with our valuable feedbacks and she was hit with the idea of networking. Networking for food is what she called the idea and talked to Ankush about it. Ankush liked the idea instantly and then they brainstormed about the idea incessantly.

Finally, on December 24th they came up with the name Plattershare. Arranged funds and bought a domain by that name. Fortunately, the domain was available. Hence, came into existence on 04th February, 2011. We knew exactly where we are headed. We then booked some useful softwares and finally got into an agreement with Dale.

Today, we have materializing and it feels like a dream coming into reality. It definitely is an emotional thing to all of those who are associated with Plattershare.

Shilpa Jain
Shilpa Jain

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