7 Secret Cabbage Benefits for Health, Cabbage Vitamins & How To Grow Cabbage

Do you know Cabbage Benefits for Health, Cabbage Vitamins & How To Grow Cabbage? No? Then, just read on…
Brassica oleracea, or better known as cabbage plant, Patta Gobi in hindi is one of the most common vegetables you would find in your kitchen. You probably would still remember how your mother would force you to finish the Cabbage dish because of your distaste towards it. But, this cruciferous vegetable is a must if you want to stay fit and away from doctors.
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There are so many ways to spice up the boring and bland taste. We have some game-changing healthy cabbage recipes that you can savour on without sacrificing the taste at the end of this delicious leafy food story 🙂
Some of the major health benefits of cabbage include its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and Vitamin K. The best part of cabbage meals is that they keep your stomach light though, is filling at the same time.
These days, you can find so many varieties like red cabbage, purple cabbage, savoy cabbage, white cabbage which is popularly known as the Dutch cabbage. This leafy vegetable finds its way in mostly slaws and salads. Everybody loves the spicy and edgy taste of the kimchi salad. Don’t they?
Cooking cabbage is extremely easy and versatile since it tastes good both raw and cooked. It tastes best when it is prepared raw or close to raw, i.e., semi-cooked. Coleslaw is the most popular American dish of cabbage. The creamy and crunchy taste of mayonnaise and cabbage is so scrumptious that people often call it as ‘comfort food’. And how can you forget German Sauerkraut?
Health benefits of Cabbage
a) Source of Vitamin K:
Almost 91% of daily requirement of Vitamin K is taken care of by one cup of cabbage. This helps in regulating the heart rate and blood pressure.
It limits neuronal damage in the brain, reducing the chances of Alzheimer’s disease. It also meets 50.3% of the required daily value of Vitamin C, which is much more than what oranges can. Deficiency of Vitamin C results in scurvy or bleeding gums, cracked lip corners and weak immune system.
Source for the nutritional values: stylecraze.com
b) Antioxidants in abundance
It has some of the most powerful and effective antioxidants. The phytonutrients present in this leafy green vegetable stimulate detox. Phytonutrients are like a power dose that boost up your immunity and regulate its functioning. Researchers believe that these enzymes can prevent type 2 diabetes, and cancers of the breast, prostate gland and colon.
The anti-cancer compounds like sinigrin which inhibits the growth of tumours. They also reduce the bad cholesterol keeping your heart and arteries healthy.
c) Get your Bowel movement correct
A lot of people around the globe suffer from digestive problems due to lack of roughage in their diet. Cabbage is rich in fibres, helps in retaining water and keeping you hydrated. Serious problems like ulcers can be tackled easily by including some cabbage in the diet. Regular bowel movements are necessary to regulate blood flow. Roughage deficiency can also lead to skin diseases like eczema and premature ageing.
d) Want to lose weight, eat Cabbage
The cabbage nutrition chart gets full marks when it comes to vitamins and minerals. It is the first choice of people who want to lose weight the right and healthy way. A cup of cooked cabbage has only 33 calories. It is very filling due to its roughage quotient and water retaining capacity. Cabbage soup diets are gaining immense popularity these days.
e) Feed your Brain
Cabbage is also known as brain food. It boosts your concentration level and brain function due to the presence of Vitamin K and its water-soluble red, purple or green pigment. Presence of calcium, magnesium and potassium ensures strong bones and protection from the onset of weak bones and osteoporosis.
f) Get Glow on your Skin
Since cabbage is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, it is immensely popular in skin care. Antioxidants help purify the skin preventing it from blemishes and wrinkles. Eating cabbage regularly prevents premature ageing. Skin colouration and pigmentation can also be tamed easily with this.
Although most people like their cabbage cooked, it results in loss of most of the nutrients, especially vitamin C and roughage. It is best served raw.
7) Prevents ageing
Since cabbage is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, it is immensely popular in skin care. Antioxidants help purify the skin preventing it from blemishes and wrinkles. Eating cabbage regularly prevents premature ageing. Skin colouration and pigmentation can also be tamed easily with this.
Although most people like their cabbage cooked, it results in loss of most of the nutrients, especially vitamin C and roughage. It is best served raw.
Varieties of Cabbage
1. Green cabbage
It is as basic as it can be. It is the most generic amongst all cabbages. It takes a long time to cook resulting in a mild sweet taste. The grassy and cruciferous is like trademark sign.
2. Bok Choy
Popularly known as pak choi or baicai, they have tender stems, almost like that of spinach. They are like small sized cabbages that are used often in stir-frys.
Baby Bok-choy are generally cooked whole and water crispy. They are a rich addition to sautéed vegetables and clear soups due to its mildly sweet taste. Native to China, it is available around the year.
3. Red Cabbage
This cabbage is interesting as it changes its colour slightly as the pH changes. It’s like your everyday green cabbage, just red in colour. Although the heads of red cabbage are slightly smaller than the green ones but harder and deeper. They are often preferred over green cabbage when it comes to agriculture as they attract fewer worms and insects. Thinly sliced ones are an excellent addition to salads and bacon.
4. January King cabbage
This variety is a cross between red cabbage and savoy cabbage. It has gorgeous deep blue-green leaves with some purple and turquoise here and there.
As the name suggests, it is generally grown in January when it’s cold. Roasting small pieces of January king cabbage along with some butter and seasonings makes its own kind of unique side dish.
5. Savoy Cabbage
This variety is so photogenic that it will make you feel embarrassed about your own pictures. Don’t confuse this beauty with the red cabbage.
It is loosely packed than red or green cabbage and more tender resulting in a shorter life. With a ruffled look, it is mostly used in in wraps and the Polish dish golabki, which consists of minced meat and rice. They are great when used for kimchi salads.
6. Napa Cabbage
This sweet variety is oblong in shape and mostly used in East Asian cuisine. It is also popularly known as Chinese cabbage and Celery cabbage. It has a thick white stalk and light green long leaves. It’s like a hybrid of romaine lettuce and pale Swiss chard. It is popular in salads and stir-frys due to its piquant and peppery taste.
7. Choy Sum
Also known as cai xin, this Cantonese variety literally means “the heart of the vegetable”. It is mostly found in all Asian markets. It has crispy and crunchy stems and tender leaves. The presence of yellow flowers makes it stand out. It tastes best in salads when served with nuts and zesty flavour of orange and lime.
How to grow cabbage?
This cool vegetable is pretty easy to grow and harvest. Growing cabbage is a cake walk if cultivated in rich soil, ample water and good fertilization.
Cabbages grow best in cool weather and sandy loam soil if you want to grow them as fast as possible. If you have enough time on your hands, you can also use moisture-retaining soil.
a) Start off by tilling the soil and adding manure to it. You can also do composting for healthier varieties.
b) Next, plant the seeds 1/4th inch deep and 2 inches apart roughly four to six weeks before the frost date since cabbage thrives in cool weather.
c) Mulch the soil thoroughly and ensure that it remains moist at all times. Irregular irrigation might spoil the plantlets.
When the transplants reach a height of about 5 inches, you can remove them and place them elsewhere in case there isn’t optimum spacing between two.
d) Use a sharp knife to cut the head. Make sure they are firm enough. Leave out roots and stalks and use fresh cabbage to enjoy it fully.
e) With care, love and nourishment, you can grow your own cabbages. But, remember these few tips so that you don’t end up spoiling your hard work.
Fertilize about 3 weeks after you have planted the transplants.
Never grow cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower together. All of them require the same nutrients as they belong to the same family resulting in heavy feeding and depletion of the soil. They also might attract pests and worms.
- Crop rotation is the best method to avoid soil depletion and pests and worms attack.
- A mild nitrogen boost should be provided to the transplants if the leaves start turning yellow.
How do you cook cabbage?
Since cabbage is available year round, it is an excellent choice for meals. It is so versatile that it can fit into any salads, sandwiches, slaws and flatbreads. It can also be just boiled and sautéed and eaten as a side dish. Let’s take a look at the simplest way to cook cabbage.
a) Start by removing loose outer layers. Thoroughly rinse the head to remove any dirt or insecticides.
b) Cut the head into six wedges by using a chef’s knife. Also, remove the core with the same.
c) You can chop the cabbage into cubes, wedges or small layers.
d) For boiling the cabbage: Heat some water in a saucepan. Add the cabbage and let it cook uncovered for 2 minutes.
e) Turn the cabbage and let it simmer for 8 minutes covered. Season it well and enjoy.
f) For steaming the cabbage: In a steamer basket, bring some water to boil. Add the cabbage, preferably wedges and cover it for 10 minutes or till they are tender.
g) For sautéing the cabbage: In a skillet, heat 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and add the chopped pieces. Reduce the heat after some time and cook for 5 minutes.
h) For cooking in a microwave: place the pieces with 2 tablespoons of water and cover it with a microwave lid. Microwave on the highest power for 5-6 minutes.
Now that you’ve learnt how to grow and cook cabbage, it’s time to make some mouth-watering delicacies. Check out our 5 healthiest recipes that use cabbage.
Beet and cabbage together make the perfect choice for a healthy meal. Check out Cabbage Rolls With Beetroot Yogurt Dip, a fusion recipe is an amazing option when you want to have a light meal or snack at an odd time.
Still, think that cabbage is bland and boring? These will change your mind. The spicy taste of chili and goodness of zucchini and cottage cheese will leave a tingling sensation on your tongue.
Purple cabbage is so beautiful and tasty that you can’t just ignore it. This Purple Cabbage salad is a saviour
when you are in a rush.
Ever wondered what happens when beauty, nutrition and taste come together? This stuffed Purple Cabbage flatbread will give you a taste of heaven without you having to die.
Mustard sauce is so popular these days that it is inculcated in almost everything. This twist of cabbage and mustard sauce in a parcel is something that your kids will love. It’s the perfect antidote of boring food.
So go ahead and rejoice food without worrying about nutrition or weight gain!
About the Author – Khushboo Shah is a Plattershare associate who has a wide range of interests. Be it technology, social media, food or fashion, she believes in striving for the best by putting in her maximum effort.
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