The Rise Of Food Truck Culture In America
Could you imagine that the food truck culture will evolve so much that it will be considered one of the biggest trends in the culinary industry? It kind of slipped under our radar when this scene was evolving, but here we are now, looking into a rapidly expanding scene and thinking how could we ever live without it!
The owners of these food trucks are going all-in – from investing in the design and creating mesmerizing and innovative dishes to running fantastic social media accounts and building their own online communities.
Chefs are working on new ideas on how to bring something fresh to people who are tired of the traditional concept of the culinary industry.
As a result, more and more people are choosing to eat at a food truck. Not to mention that some people drive miles just to get to a particular truck. In fact, you can check out the food trucks in Orlando and you’ll know what we’re talking about.
So, what makes this culture so unique and different that people are thrilled with it?
If you’re considering opening a food truck, would now be a good time to do
We’re bringing you all the answers in this article.
The Popularity of Food Trucks
If you visit the majority of big cities in the USA, you will see hundreds of food trucks. Some of them will be parked in the business area, while others will be near a concert, festival or any other major event in the city. They’ve become a crucial part not just of the culinary industry, but also of the event industry across the
A few states, such as Oregon and Florida, are even known for their food truck scene so they became one of the top tourist
It’s estimated that this industry is worth close to a billion dollars. Moreover, the number of requests for food truck’s licenses is also growing, which makes us assume this is so much more than just a bunch of food trucks selling their meals.
This is a real business and it’s definitely not going anywhere!
As we previously mentioned Florida, Orlando no longer requires owners to go through a complicated process to get a permit to park their vehicle downtown. This encouragement from the government side will definitely benefit all of the mobile business owners in this city.
However, what’s interesting to point out is that the assumption that food trucks will harm restaurants by taking away their customers is apparently just an assumption.
The restaurants are actually reporting growth. This means that the food truck scene is actually helping restaurants and contributing to the overall culinary industry.
From the customers’ point of view, what makes food trucks so popular?
Going to a nearby food truck during your lunch break or going for an early dinner with your colleagues after working hours are among the preferred activities of many people in the USA today. You can enjoy the surroundings, whether it’s green spaces, business area or stunning views of the city, while you’re also enjoying delicious food.
When compared to restaurants, customers see food trucks as an innovative way to an entire food experience. The menus differ significantly from the menus offered at restaurants. Food trucks allow customers to try out freshly prepared food.
They are not so attached to the specific dishes as they are to the way they prepare the food and serve it to the customers. That expansion of the experience is what makes them so popular.
Also, the possibility to shape that experience in a way that suits your customers gives them a certain level of control.
They are not obligated to sit down for 20 or 30 minutes and wait for their meal. After just a few minutes, their food will be ready and they can enjoy it on bar chairs, sit on the bench in a park nearby or take it to their office if they have a busy day ahead.
The majority of today’s customers will not be satisfied with just a great product, they expect the entire experience from businesses. That’s exactly what food trucks are focused on – providing a great food experience. So far, they are succeeding with ease. As the number of food trucks continues to grow, we can only expect this industry’s worth will double over the next few years.