Make Your Cooking More Delicious With The Best Herbs This Season

A dish, no matter how ordinary, can be turned into something delicious using green herbs. These herbs are indeed the magical elements that transform simple dishes to delectable and flavoursome delights. The success of preparing a good meal depends on the seasoning and flavouring. With full flavours and high aroma, the right combination of herbs with the right food can give a new definition to cooking. Here are some of the best herbs, when mixed together, gives you a delightful and delicious meal.



This herb with a woody stem comes in many varieties. But the one used for culinary purposes is the garden sage or common sage. Sage is a prized herb due to its earthy flavour and intense aroma. It can even be used as a health booster or only as an ornamental shrub.

Cooking With Sage

Sage is most popularly used for preparing sausages. However, it also pairs well with any meat, especially poultry. You can also provide a distinct taste to your classic holiday stuffing with sage. This herb is a powerhouse of flavours when used in tomato sauces, bean dishes, polenta, omelettes, pesto, and chicken risotto. Sweet and acid flavours of pineapple also get a nice contrast when they combine with the earthy flavours of sage.

You can infuse sage into simple syrups, or add on to cocktails and other beverages. Best mixed herbs use large leaves of sage that are used for seasoning. The cooking process often softens the flavours of sage. So, you may want to add it at the end of cooking to retain the mild taste. However, if you prefer the more robust flavours of sage, you can add it at the beginning of your cooking process. But remember that a little quantity is sufficient to provide that extra punch to your dish.


This fragrant herb has small, pungent leaves and thin, woody stem. It has been a staple in the European and Mediterranean cuisines for many centuries. Thyme is popular for its pairing with meat, beans, and tomatoes. In fact, thyme is the main ingredient in Herbes de Province and Boquet Garni, the classic French herb combinations.

You can use this herb is flavour stews, soups, and meat. Thyme is known to be a popular seasoning agent for lamb dishes as well. The floral flavour of thyme lightens the sometimes-gamy lamb flavour. It is also a popular ingredient in the best mixed herbs that is used all across the world. Thyme pairs extremely well with cheese and eggs. As such, you can add it on to your omelettes and strata for added delicacy.



Translated to ‘’dew of the sea’’ in Latin, Rosemary is one of the most aromatic and pungent herbs known. Being native to the Mediterranean region, it has a very pronounced lemon-pine flavour. As such, it pairs well with garlic, olive oil, and roasted lamb. It also makes a nice addition to tomato sauce, focaccia, pork, and pizza. Rosemary offers a distinctive and pungent aroma when added to dishes, as such, adding too much can overpower other flavours in your recipe.

Protecting this herb from moisture is important as well. While rosemary is a handy herb, the presence of moisture can make it turn bad. In fact, dried rosemary is one of the components used in mixed herbs. Like all dried herb forms, the process of drying helps to concentrate the flavours of rosemary. This dried form will release all the volatile oils for longer time duration. These oils are responsible for adding a great flavour to your dish. Hence, you need to cook rosemary in moderation. Overcooking may make your dish slightly bitter, or your meal can be entirely overwhelmed by the herb’s flavour.

Other Culinary Uses of Mixed Herbs

Mixed herbs are just right for boosting salad dressings, vinegars, stocks, deserts, vinaigrettes, confectionaries and drinks. You can also use them to garnish vegetables like aubergines, pepper, and tomatoes. Herbed butter tastes particularly good when you top it with mixed herbs. But you may want to soften them first by soaking in a liquid for a few hours.

Typically, the herb mixture gives out the best flavours when it is crushed. You can do so easily by just rubbing the herbs between your fingers or palms. Use these herbs if you wish to enhance the flavours of food that is low in fat or salt. Due to their delicate flavours, it is recommended that you use this herb mixture at the last minute, after cooking.


How to Store

Dried herbs must be stored in an airtight container and placed away from moisture and direct sunlight. They are generally fresh for over a year, after which you must check for its freshness. For this, you can just smell the herbs. If you feel a strong aroma, then it is likely that your mixed herbs have retained the flavours till date.

Herbs not only enhance the flavour but are instrumental in boosting our health as well. Understanding their culinary uses helps you incorporate these fantastic herbs into your cooking in the right way. It helps you enjoy the delicate flavours that are present in the right balance.

Plattershare Food
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