Life in a Start-up!

Ever since I started chasing my dreams, I thought of sharing my experiences with the world. Though we are not there yet, however our idea that was conceived two years back has started taking some shape now. The product or I should say our dream (Plattershare’s website) has not been launched yet. We, with our limited but powerful resources are working hard on it.
I am sharing this today as I wanted to vent out some of the frustration which has accumulated lately in my mind. I am a motivated guy and always feel connected to the source that looks after our being. But today I got little sad and frustrated as we have not been able to launch it on time decided by us. So just to boost up my own moral, I decided to pen down my feelings and mixed emotions in the form of this small write up and share the same with you. I am sure that this idea would help me release my inner interference and who knows, it may become a piece of inspiration to someone today or maybe later.
In spite of being very positive and working hard, sometimes things don’t go according to our plans. We apply everything we know, we read positive affirmations, skip family functions, keep working day and night on our product and keep thinking about it all the time but still things don’t work. Our family & friends keep asking about the status and we keep telling them very soon, very soon, very soon and that ‘very soon’ keeps getting postponed. Sometimes things go as smooth as they can and sometimes we feel that circumstances are against us and we are making a fool of ourselves.
So what do we do when things don’t go as per plans? Do we give up? Well some of us may loose hope and give up depending on the level of frustration. However  some us who are full of determination and not at all willing to give up may start to care less about things which create hindrances and divert our mind to reach our predefined goals.
Now as I am writing this, I have been able to speak my heart out and able to fill the vacuum that was created in my heart, body and soul. Of late, there has been so much improvement in designs, right people (exactly the ones we need) are getting on board The confidence level has gone up 100 times than it was before. We tend to forget (like I did today) that ‘The Divine’ frames a better plan for us once we surrender to it and enjoy what we do.
And what I learnt today – Writing down feelings really does make us feel better. Try it!  Thanks for reading.
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This write up is awesome! Plattershare is going to be a hit . Already so many followers and… honest people backing this up! Wish you all the best plattershare. Though, you already have the best! what more! 🙂
Thanks for these motivating words Aditi 😀
we are very close now, sir 🙂
Yup, we are (Y)
I think…. Love keeps us going in times like these… Love for our dream… Our love of our team, Our love of a better life, our love for ourselves and our love for our own brain child’s success….
u r very right sir.. dont get demotivated by da hurdles. win might be just a step ahead.. all da very best and keep moving.
Thank you 😀