In today’s world, with so many distractions and thousands of things crowding for attention in our minds at all times, we may find it increasingly difficult to concentrate, particularly at work. The good news is that nutrition is on hand to fuel our bodies and our brains, and to help us focus, in the form of these 7 mind-sharpening foods:
1. Leafy green veg
Leafy greens, including lettuce, kale, collards, broccoli, and spinach, are full of micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals and can really pack an antioxidant punch.
Research has shown that these green heroes can reduce cognitive decline, and aid mental agility and focus, and leafy veg can also help to combat dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Add them to your salads or dish them up with your evening meal and release their magical powers!
2. Fatty fish
Salmon, herrings, mackerel, sardines, and tuna are all perfect sources of those fantastic brain-boosting Omega-3 acids that are so important for our mental gymnastics and staying power, especially concentration and memory.
“Just two servings of fatty fish per week is all that nutritionists recommend,” says business writer Anna Dawes, from Elite Assignment Help and OX Essays review. , “and there are lots of tasty recipes around to incorporate this fish into your diet.”
3. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and is known to improve focus. It is also a hero in reducing blood pressure and improving blood flow, boosting brain function. However, we also know it comes with a warning, so do consume it in moderation. Two squares of dark chocolate a day, as a treat after lunch or dinner, will suffice.
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Dark Chocolate Brownies
One of the first things that I baked really well, when I jumped on the baking wagon like all the home cooks and food bloggers was a Chocolate Brownie. Little did I realise that these brown beauties are easy to make, comforting as a food, simple in their looks yet so attractive and you can easily impress anyone with this recipe for sure. Now there’s a little twist to this recipe – I have used Blackstrap molasses as a substitute for sugar. Blackstrap molasses is a by product of sugarcane’s refining process. Unlike the normal sugar that we use in our day to day lives. Blackstrap has nutritional values, as it contains vital vitamins and minerals, such as Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B6 and more.
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4. Nuts
Nuts are rich in Vitamins D and E, and also contain beneficial essential acids to keep our brains ticking healthily.
Brazil nuts, walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, and sunflower seeds are said to be the best brain boosters, with walnuts coming out on top as they are packed with DHA, a highly effective type of Omega-3, and good for the blood pressure, too.
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How To Make Quick And Easy Honey Glazed Almonds
Snacking with Honey Glazed Almonds Food and beverages that we eat in between our regular meal is termed as snaking. Honey glazed almonds are also great snacking option. No matter what time of a day you feel like eating snacks, these honey glazed almonds are a perfect companion of all times.Typically snacking is not looked at as a good habit. It is because snacks are mostly referred to high calories and fatty foods e.g. cookies, cakes and wafers. Honey glazed almonds, on the contrary, is a healthy snacking option that even your dietician will like you to eat.Healthy snacking vs unhealthy snacking. Whether snacking leads to weight gain or weight loss is no proven theory behind that. Few claim snacking to increase metabolism, but again there is no scientific research that proves the same. Healthline released a beautiful, evidence based article and wrote in detail about healthy and unhealthy snacking. Concluding many research's together, the fine line is to choose healthy snacking option. You may snack to prevent hunger or may be to eat smaller portions thorough out the day. The reason could be different, but the choice should be healthy.In healthy eating habit one of the suggested step is to replace unhealthy snacks with healthy snacks. Honey glazed almonds would be a good replacement. Almond and Honey benefits.Almonds are a great source of vitamin E. Along with vitamin E, Almonds are also source of vitamin B2, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, biotin, and copper. Interestingly, more than 60% of the fat that almonds contain are monounsaturated fat that helps in lowering cholesterol.On the other side, honey prevents cancer and heart diseases. I always depend on honey and turmeric when it comes to treating cough and throat irritation. Honey also helps in regulating blood sugar and its probiotic nature increase good bacteria in the body.When combined together, almond and honey benefit the entire body system. Heating effects on Honey. Pure honey can stay unspoiled for thousands of years. A spoon of honey with Luke warm water helps in cutting down the fact, however, boiling or heating honey directly is never a good idea. Temperature more than 37 Degree Celsius (98.6F) has detrimental effects on the nutritional values of honey. Healthy Roasted Almonds recipe with Glazed Honey. Honey glazed almonds with a hint of salt, is my favorite tea time partner. This recipe is a tried and tested recipe that satisfies the need of both, sweet and salty, snacking. Therefore, I consider this as the best honey roasted almonds recipe.
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5. Eggs
Eggs contain protein is great for mental energy. Eggs also contain choline, a powerful nutrient that helps to reduce both inflammation and declines in cognition.
As an added bonus, eggs also provide you with something called tryptophan, an amino acid which helps your body produce serotonin, a wonder-boost for your brain. “Studies show that serotonin improves your mood and regulates your sleep pattern,” says James Timpson, a journalist at Revieweal and UK Writings review., “and a good night’s sleep is highly important for concentration in our waking hours.”
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Achari Egg
Achari Eggs, spicy yet full of flavor and aroma. This recipe combines hard boiled eggs with spices usually used to make Indian pickles. If you like spicy food then you would definitely love this one.
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6. Blueberries
Long known as a superfood, blueberries are high in antioxidants and protect from free radicals. These blue beauties are fantastic weapons in the fight against cognitive decline, as they help your neurons communicate and boost your brain cells, and they are the number one fruit for aiding memory and concentration.
This wonder food also improves mental health, so add a little colour to your plate and reap the benefits.
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Banana & Blueberry Custard Clafoutis
Clafouti (pronounced as Klafuti) is a classic French dessert which is baked using a batter similar to a pancake batter, over fruits. The batter is baked around the fruit (cherries/ berries/ plums /saluted apples and pears) creating a light, airy, pudding-like texture inside with a mild crispy top outside. It is generally served with a dollop of fresh whipped cream or ice cream. The original French dessert uses eggs as the main ingredient. This egg free version of the same is baked using whole wheat flour & almond flour, white chia seeds, coconut sugar, banana & blueberries and is flavored with vanilla custard powder. Almonds are rich in protein and very nutritious. Coconut sugar containing all the essential vitamins and minerals is a healthy sweetener. It is further fortified with fruits and so is a healthy snack / dessert for kids and quick to bake. With the butter and the batter, it is a treat to the senses as well, to see this dessert puffing up in the oven.
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7. Green tea
We now know what the Japanese have known for centuries, that green tea is great for the brain. This warming beverage contains caffeine and L-theanine, which both are great at increasing focus and alertness. In fact, L-theanine can make you feel more relaxed and alert at the same, making green tea perfect for concentration, memory, and calm.
If you need to be on top of your mental A game for a long period of time, green tea will do the trick as it can boost production in your brain’s cortex for extended durations. Nutritionists say you can happily drink 3-5 cups of green tea per day.
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How To Make Green Tea
How To Make A Perfect Cup Of Green Tea. Green tea has numerous health benefits and it helps to improve the metabolism. Green tea is originated from china but it is used worldwide for its health benefits. It is rich in catechin, catechins are antioxidants which helps to prevent cell damage. Try to use dried green tea leaves instead of green tea bags to extract the maximum health benefits. My day usually starts with cup of ginger cardamom tea and ends with a cup of green tea. Yes, I love to sip green tea after my dinner. Green tea preparation is different from the normal tea we make in our home. If the water is too hot the tea will taste bitter. Follow the simple steps and enjoy your perfect cup of green tea..
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The ability to focus is such an important part of our lives, particularly at work, and if we feed our bodies with the good stuff, nutrition-wise, focusing shouldn’t be a problem. A varied, healthy diet including the 7 superfoods above, should keep you concentrating when you need to and boost your brain to function at the best of its ability.
Rebecca Leigh is a writer for Essay roo and Urgent assignment help, where she covers nutritional advice. She’s also a blogger for sites like Write my essay, and others.
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