It is a Showdown, Plattershare on a Downhill Run to get to the top

Remember the previous post? We were talking about the stagnant phase of the growing plattershare. That was because we were working on a logo for plattershare. The theme could not be worked out, no outline, no punch line was prepared and we were thinking as to what exactly could be done to get a proper logo for plattershare in place.


Then the next thing I remember is that we have three different themes to work upon and three outlines clearly sketched. These logos seemed to drop form a clear blue sky. It feels as if once you know where you are headed, it always would feel like you are headed to the top via downhill.

We are today celebrating the fact that it is downright simple to build our dream into reality, given the clarity of our vision. We were struggling for a punchline and then Dale pitched in with an awesome suggestion. “My Foodie Network”. We liked it and were quite sure of it being the tag to plattershare but then, again, out of wit or just sheer inspiration. Ankush stumbled upon the coolest thing we might have ever thought of.

So, finally the tagline for Plattershare has been decided . It says, “Just Fooding Around”, is it not Cool ?

Shilpa Jain
Shilpa Jain

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