Healthy Recipe That Your Baby And Your Pet Love
It is fun to treat your puppies and pet. However, the food you prepare in your kitchen for your baby isn’t always healthy for your pet. While occasional table scrap treats may not be unsafe, these must be limited when your pets are young. Here are few ways to treat your pets with a healthy recipe that your baby and your pet love. We have taken dogs and puppies in this case.
Why Dogs Loves Treats
For puppies, eating is a communal event and feeding them with hands reinforce the bond of love. Often they beg for attention and rewards with a treat, so two become inseparable. There isn’t any wrong with treating them in healthier ways; however, it is easier to go too far. Fat pets may be cute, however, it is not always healthy, and obesity may lead to a shorter span of life as an adult.
With special nutritional needs, puppies may enjoy the same food in your kitchen that your babies do; a little can go longer. However, too much quantity can replace balanced nutrition they require. Overindulging can risk their lives if gobble wrong thing or overeat, whether you treated on objective or they fished it from garbage. Following these tips can help for safe indulging of your puppies.
Types of Food to Treats for Your Puppy with Foods That Your Baby eat
What is healthier for your baby is more likely to be healthier for your pets, too. Here are some excellent examples and recipes.
Lean meat recipes: Smaller amounts of chicken, turkey, and lean beef are best when boiled or smoked for an hour or two, however, try to avoid ham because hem can be too rich for a puppy to digest. You can add some salt to taste. Make sure you don’t give your pet any meat which includes cooked hem bones or poultry bones that may splinter.
Raw or Cooked Vegetable Recipes: Raw or Cooked veggies like carrots, asparagus, and broccoli with sauces and dips can be great treats, especially when your guests want to treat them.
Fruits: Make sure seeds and pits are removed, as they may be toxic and cause blockages. Oranges are packed with C Vitamin, apples help dental health, melons and bananas are also great puppy treats. Peanut butter is another treat that many dogs and human babies love alike.
Starches: Both human babies and pets like Rice, potatoes, bread and other sources of starches. However, limit to smaller quantities as they have a bulk of calories. Avoid sauces, gravies with starch because they may become too rich.
Dairy products: Puppies love milk; however, milk from momma dog is different as compared to cow’s milk our babies and we drink. Puppies usually cannot naturally digest the milk, and too much of milk may cause diarrhea. Instead of milk, try a smaller quantity of plain yogurt.
Our kids love grapes, chocolates, sweets with artificial sweeteners, raisins, macadamia nuts and the like, not everything in our kitchen we love is good for our pets. So always be careful before putting anything inside the stomach of your pet.