Why Are Burgers A Favorite Pandemic Comfort Food?

Burgers continue to be regarded as a favorite pandemic comfort food. When the entire world population is on lockdown, burgers provide a certain level of normalcy when clearly, everything is in disarray. The good old burger gives everyone hope. It somehow promises that things will slowly be back to how it used to be.


People have been eating more burgers than ever before during the pandemic. Many may be guilty of this. Well, no one can resist the burger so why be ashamed? 

Let’s dig deeper and find why people turn to the burger and other comfort food during this stressful and harrowing global pandemic period.

Why are burgers a favorite pandemic comfort food? Burgers provide ultimate sensory pleasure

No one can resist that big juicy burger. Instantly, all of the senses are activated and excited. As one gets excited, hormones are released to crave for it. As you give in to the temptation, the body feels good, relieved, and satisfied.

It feels happily satisfying. There is that level of unmatched contentment and gratification. Nothing also beats that feeling of fullness after a great meal. Amidst the chaos of the pandemic, this feeling of inexplicable satisfaction is necessary.


Burgers may be good for survival

Yes, comfort foods such as burgers, hotdogs, and the likes become a good survival tactic. Many people were laid off from their jobs. This is brought about by the massive closure of many companies, big or small. Financial resources become scarce and reduced to a bare minimum.

As such, cheaper meal alternatives such as the burger become a staple. It provides a means for people to feed their families. At this point, people find ways and means to survive the most practical way they can.

Burgers are readily available or easy to prepare


Thanks to technology, people can have access to their favorite comfort food through online delivery. Restaurants are now going online to serve you their specialties like chicken and burgers, see more here. Why? Burgers are easier to prepare. Also, it doesn’t need much for packing and delivery.

There’s no need for disposable plates, utensils, and other fancy containers. A simple hygienic foil, parchment paper, or wax food wrap, then it’s all set. For a restaurant struggling to make ends meet, reduced overhead expenses spell a huge difference.

Burgers make people’s creative juices flowing

As people have so much time in their hands, their culinary creativity is harnessed. Burgers are highly customizable. It can have a healthy burger alternative. Others add unorthodox ingredients to make their burgers unique and interesting.

The sky’s the limit. Nothing is impossible with a good serving of imagination. It’s good that burgers become an avenue to exercise creativity and ingenuity. It somehow takes people’s minds away from the chaotic world outside, well, even for just a short while.

Thanks to the good old burger

Burgers aren’t just your greasy, scrumptious, and tempting delight. It has more positive effects than people realize. During this global pandemic, it is good the burgers are there to keep everyone in check (at least for the time being).

Plattershare Food
Plattershare Food

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