Top 5 Foods To Avoid When On A Keto Diet
Getting into ketosis can get somewhat tricky if you haven’t done enough research on the subject, but maintaining it can become a living nightmare once you realize how much you still have to learn about it. If you need any tips on getting into ketosis quickly and in a healthy manner, click here.
On the other hand, if you feel like you have mastered the art that is the ketogenic diet, you will only need some tips on which foods to avoid at all costs while you are following through your diet.
We have prepared a list of top five foods that you should bid goodbye as soon as you start your diet. Some may even come as a surprise, but remember, not all healthy foods are allowed on ketogenic diets, due to the fact that they make it harder to maintain your ketosis!
Source: UnSplash
We’ll start out our list with one of the most obvious foods that you should avoid, for which you will, luckily, have some healthy and keto-friendly replacements:
You already know that starchy foods are synonymous to carbs, meaning that they have to become a thing of the past. Pasta, bread, porridge, rice, muesli and all types of potatoes are now your number-one enemy!
But, if you are anything like me, and you just can’t say goodbye to some late-night spaghetti, make sure to check out these low-carb keto-friendly pasta recipes! Remember that ketogenic diets are not about giving up all of your favorite foods, but just finding healthier replacements for them.
Another thing to keep in mind when shopping keto is that a lot of food manufacturers, due to keto diets’ popularity, have started making products that are labeled as low-carb or keto-friendly, when they are, in fact, not.
You will always be on the safe side if you make your own food or pay special attention to the labels on the products you want to buy!
Low-fat Dairy and Milk
Although milk is considered to be healthy and beneficial for you, you should avoid it due to the fact that it tends to be overprocessed. It is also quite hard to digest for most people, and it lacks beneficial bacteria.
Additionally, one cup of 2 percent milk can contain up to 12 grams of net carbs, meaning that it is definitely not as keto-friendly as you hoped it would be!
However, full-fat dairy products such as grass-fed butter, heavy cream, yogurt, and sour cream can still be a part of your diet!
This one goes for the wide majority of diets, but when it comes to the ketogenic diet, it is a strict no! Without cutting out sugar from your diet, you will not be able to get into ketosis at all, meaning that cakes, sweets, chocolate bars, soft drinks, fruit juices, frozen treats, and breakfast cereal have got to become a thing of the past!
When it comes to chocolate, you will still be able to indulge in your favorite treat. The only thing to keep in mind is that you should get dark chocolate that contains more than 70 percent cocoa.
Don’t forget that honey, agave and maple syrup, although they are quite healthy, are still sugars. Try to use as little as possible! Check out this keto sweetener guide for even more information!
Processed Oils
Ketogenic diets are high in fat, so throughout your diet, you will be encouraged to use numerous oils due to their beneficial properties. However, the oils you will be using are nutritious and unprocessed! Macadamia nut oil, virgin olive oil, and coconut oil are keto diet musts, so make sure to stack up on them as often as you can!
On the other hand, there are some oils to avoid at all costs. Not only will they not help you maintain ketosis, but they can actually be harmful to your health. Some of such oils are corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, and peanut oil.
As a rule, fruit is not quite keto-compliant. Most fruits are high in carbs and sugar, meaning that it is to be avoided. Although there is a small number of keto-friendly fruits, such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, you should avoid eating their sugary counterparts.
As for those fruits which you will have to cut back on from now on, definitely avoid apples, bananas, pineapple, papaya, oranges, tangerines, mangos, and grapes. This goes for fruit juice and smoothies as well!
Source: UnSplash
As long as you avoid these five foods when on a keto diet, you will be able to maintain your ketosis and enjoy your diet’s results. If you want to get even more tips and tricks on ketogenic diets, visit Konscious Keto!