The Beginner’s Guide To Becoming A Foodie

Once you eat at some wonderful restaurants, it’s easy to become enthralled by food and develop a refined interest in it. Before you know it, you’re a foodie, also known as a gourmand or gastronome.


You’re someone who understands the subtle difference in taste and texture, someone who eats not out of hunger but out of a fascination with the flavor of different foods.

Naturally, on this journey of developing a refined palette, you need to avoid unhealthy meals and focus, as much as possible, on just eating natural foods and drinks.

While it’s simple enough to make a case for consuming natural foods and drinks, which we will get to in a minute, one challenge you might face as a foodie is making healthy foods tastier. Fortunately, there are many options available to make even the blandest meal tastier.

You could add herbs and spices to food and naturally sweeten drinks with vanilla syrup. You will also find a wide range of all-natural sauces and marinades to make anything taste delicious.

Why Eat Healthy Foods?

The reason to eat healthy foods is that eating foods for taste alone without concern for nutrition can be disastrous. The most obvious risk is becoming overweight or obese by consuming too many calories or suffering from tooth decay or risking type-2 diabetes by sampling too many sweet foods.


Other health problems associated with poor nutrition are high blood pressure, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.

Why You May Not Be Eating Healthy Foods

Here are some common reasons why you might not be eating healthier foods:

  • You don’t know that you aren’t eating healthy foods. This is because you’ve never studied nutrition and aren’t aware of the distinctions between foods that improve your health and foods that compromise it.
  • You consider it too much work to read every label and figure out the difference between what’s good for you and what you should put back on the shelf.
  • You don’t know how to shop for and prepare healthy meals.
  • You focus on caloric density rather than nutrient density. It’s easy to feel full and satisfied with a regular meal while you might still feel hungry after eating a salad.

Fortunately, once you understand your almost unconscious reasons for not eating healthy, nutritious foods, you can take steps to make healthier food choices.

Also Read: How to Succeed in Food Blogging: Tips for Beginners


What Are Healthy Foods?

A healthy diet will include a variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. It will consist of a balanced blend of proteins and carbohydrates and fats from a variety of sources, and it will also consist of an abundance of vitamins and minerals.

Incidentally, although all foods have vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables have the highest concentration and they can be more easily absorbed by the body. So, the reason why fruits and vegetables are essential for good health is that they are the best source of vitamins and minerals.

Go Organic

Still, it’s not enough to just eat the right foods; you need to take one more step and only eat organic produce and foods.

Organic produce has fewer pesticides because they are not sprayed with pesticides and organic food is fresher because it is not mixed with artificial ingredients and preservatives to give it a longer shelf life. If you eat organic meats, they are not fed with animal byproducts or injected with steroids, antibiotics, and growth hormones.

Pursuing a Foodie Lifestyle

There are many ways to become a semi-professional foodie:

  • You can make it a profession, learning how to become a chef, a baker, or a nutritionist.
  • You can make it a hobby, perhaps starting a food blog and reporting on the meals you enjoy in different restaurants you visit. You can even take it up a notch and build a blog on international cuisine, reporting on the foods you sample in the different countries you visit.
  • You can join foodie organizations where you will have many opportunities to learn all about foods and their nutritious value.
  • You can make a study of it, perhaps even writing books and guides and creating a YouTube channel on how to savor foods and make better food selections.

In conclusion, if you have a passion for food, then there is no reason to feel guilty about it. Instead, you can focus on becoming more selective about what you eat and consume tastier, healthier foods.

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Misty Jhones
Misty Jhones

Food Lover, Blogger and Vlogger

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