Secret Benefits Of Mint

Mint, specifically peppermint, is rich source of nutrients, especially manganese, folate, iron, vitamin C and vitamin A. The aroma of Mint is refreshing. Let’s have a look at some more health benefits of Mint leaves.


1.Reduces Muscle Spasms:  Mint leaves relaxes muscle spasm. Many physician agree that Mint leaves get this Pain healing effect due to its menthol content. It relaxes the smooth muscles. There are many pain reliever balms with mint content, well now you know the reason!!!

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  1. Improves Digestion: Mint leaves are perfect cure for Indigestion, colonic muscle spasm, sudden abdominal cramps and irritable bowel syndrome. According to a study published in the journal “Digestive Diseases and Sciences”, peppermint oil significantly reduces abdominal pain and cramps and improves the quality of life for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. 

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3. Prevents Cancer:

Mint leaves are considered as a prevention and cure for Cancer as it is rich in Vitamin C and peryllyl alcohol. Study published in the journal “Biochimie” suggests that “peryllyl alcohol may inhibit prostate cancer cell growth and reproduction by destabilizing its DNA structure”. Another study published in “Current Cancer Drug Targets”  suggests that it may also help prevent liver cancer.

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4. Improves Oral Health

Another great thing about mint is that it’s great to consume if you have a cold or flu and you’re congested. The strong aroma of mint is effective in opening up congested noses, throats and lungs. Since mint is somewhat cooling as well, it’s also effective in soothing sore throats caused by coughing.


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5. Effective Remedy for Nausea

The aroma of mint leaves effectively cure nauseas and the smell of mint oil alleviates headaches. 

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6. Relieves Fatigue and Depression

Mint is a natural stimulant; therefore, the smell can quickly recharge your brain and get it functioning again. Put a few drops of mint oil in your pillow at night. It can really help you feel happier and refreshed. 


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7.Breastfeeding Associated Nipple Pain and Damage: A 2007 study found that peppermint water preventes nipple cracks and nipple pain in breastfeeding mothers.

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Writer is Fitness Expert & Certified Nutritionist

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Director: GFFI Fitness Academy (INDIA)

Neeraj Mehta
Neeraj Mehta

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