Proven Hacks To Turn Any Restaurant Into An Instagram Powerhouse

Instagram has become a powerhouse to boost businesses. Instagram is no longer restricted to just being a photo-sharing platform people are using it to expand their businesses in creative and successful ways. Instagram is a powerful asset for businesses that cannot afford to pay for expensive commercials. Innumerable businesses and industries are benefiting from the platform and the same goes for restaurants.


Instagram presence can increase the growth of restaurants to unimaginable levels. 

In this post, we are going to spill some secrets to turn any restaurant into an Instagram powerhouse. These secret tips will also be applicable if you want to gain bulk TikTok followers

Online contests

Online contests are one of the best ways to create excitement in the public. You can hold contests in collaboration with some influencers. Partnering with influencers doesn’t cost much. However, make sure that with every contest you reach a new set of contestants. There will be some repeated followers and contestants but try to reach new followers every time. 

Next, the contests should promote your restaurant. For instance, you can ask the contestants to tag a friend, ask friends to follow your page, put a story tagging your handle and so on. You will instantly notice a spike in followers with such contests.


Using the right hashtags

Another very important thing is to use the right hashtags. It is one of the simplest and biggest things that you can do to gain engagement. You can head to the search bar and search for trending food hashtags. Using trending hashtags can get you serious engagement.

You should even specify your location in at least one of the hashtags. 

In case you don’t want to use too many hashtags in your post you can post your hashtags in the first comment. This way your post will remain nice and clean. But never miss using the hashtags, hashtags are your best friend on Instagram.


Don’t miss the tagged photos

Don’t ever miss the tagged photos of your loyal customers. People often tag the restaurants they visit. You can directly message your customers and thank them for spending time in your restaurant. You can even share their posts in your stories and give them credit. This will not only increase your followers but also create customer loyalty. 


Another thing that you have to ensure is the regularity in posting. You should post at least one post daily. You can even hire someone to manage your social media accounts. Regularity in posting will increase visibility and engagement which will eventually attract more followers to your page and more customers to your restaurant. However, the posts shouldn’t be repetitive. Repetitive posts annoy the followers and they might even unfollow you. The posts should be unique and engaging. 

Apart from pictures, you can even post short and interesting videos. You can give your followers an insight into the kitchen. For instance, you can show how your restraint makes pizza or cake or any other dish. These posts make your page engaging and interesting. 

Collaboration with food bloggers

Food bloggers have large followers. If you collaborate with one such food blogger you will reap unimaginable long term benefits. Now the question arises what should be your targeted food bloggers. Food bloggers with 30 k or more followers are the ones you should target. These bloggers have a good amount of followers besides they know how to use the right hashtags to gain more engagement. Food bloggers generally charge money for such collaboration but it would be worth it if they influence the platform.

Search food bloggers in your city and area. Give them a free dining invitation, while all they will have to do in return is post a short review. This will increase your reach and customers. Connecting with food bloggers is the quickest method to gain visibility on the platform.

Final word

A thing that is worth mentioning is filters. Avoid using filters on food content. Filters would create an impression that the original photo or video isn’t up to the mark. Filters create a negative impact especially in the case of food content. Post the photos as it is, this authenticity will generate interest in your followers.

Plattershare Food
Plattershare Food

Plattershare is platform to connect food lovers, food professionals and food brands. Share your recipes, food stories, food pictures and promote food businesses

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