All You Need To Know About A Cooking Thermometer
The thermometer is a kitchen utensil, fundamental to control with accuracy the perfect cooking of your dishes. Obviously, when we talk about cooking meat with precision, we need to talk about a digital instant-read thermometer. A utensil that can help you reach a high level of accuracy. That’s why it’s essential to make the right choice when buying one!
This article will help you by explaining the main benefits of using a cooking thermometer.
A thermometer versus a timer
While cooking a steak, some people think that a timer is more useful than a thermometer, and others tend to believe the opposite, having a thermometer is more valuable than having a timer. Time is essential, that’s true, but the inside temperature of the meat is also crucial. We all know the Finger Test hack to check the doneness of meat, but if you take kitchen seriously, or even if you just do not want to overcook your expensive roast, you must have a meat thermometer.
This is where cooking becomes an art. Knowing the exact temperature of the meat and serving it to your guests or even to yourself will make any mouth and stomach happy. And having a thermometer able to do the timer job is also a game changer.
With a thermometer there’s no guessing about your meat’s temperature
To avoid burning or getting your meat poorly cooked, it is better to rely on a reliable device which displays accurate information but must do it quickly too. Instead of cutting a piece of meat and check if it’s done or not – let’s be honest that will annoy your guests – it is better to opt for a good thermometer that will tell you if your meat is ready or not, and will let you know immediately. On the question of accuracy, a digital thermometer is the most recommended. A digital instant-read thermometer will give you all the information you need.
Actually, this point is covered by the Unicook instant-read digital meat cooking thermometer. It just needs 4 seconds to give you the most critical information about your meat temperature, and it’s also offering a wide temperature range, from -50°C to 300°C.
Which is the best meat thermometer? As part of modern accessories and gadgets, thermometers offer several options that make cooking even more effortless. Most are equipped with a large LCD display, making them easy to use in the dark and at night. Others have buttons that allow you to switch between a Celsius or Fahrenheit display in seconds. Others also offer a folding probe that can be folded with just pushing a button, which will make you happy to keep the probe in a clean place.
A long probe is also necessary to keep your hand safe from burning. For some, they display the current and the ideal temperature of the meat, and this in order to give you more precision. And that’s not all, some models of thermometers even go so far as to show a different type of meat, a different kind of doneness.
So, what to choose?
If you do not want to pay too much for a meat cooking thermometer, but want to get a quality product that displays accurate temperatures and all the functionalities mentioned above. For just $5.99 the Unicook instant-read digital meat cooking thermometer can be the best purchase for you. Equipped with the following features: a large LCD display, a long foldable probe (5.5 inches/139.7mm), 7 meat types (beef, veal, turkey, chicken, lamb, pork and burger), and 4 doneness function (rare, medium, mid-rare and well-done). You will not even need to continually monitor your cooking process since the thermometer has a timer that will give you a signal as soon as your preparation is ready. This “alarm” function is activated to warn you when your cooking is done. For more information about Cooking Thermometer visit