7 Pro Tips For Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance

Like your air conditioning and heating system, a commercial refrigerator also requires proper care and maintenance to run efficiently. After all, commercial refrigeration systems are mission-critical equipment that may affect your business income.


So, even when you think your unit is working properly, a business should consider a commercial fridge maintenance checklist to avoid inconvenience and costly repairs. To get started, here are some of the pro tips you should know:

  • Get Your Unit Checked By Professionals

Whether you have a walk-in freezer, cooler, or other commercial refrigeration units, remember that they require regular maintenance to work smoothly. You can avoid frequent malfunctions with appropriate care. For example, a proactive cleaning and maintenance schedule for your commercial fridge or walk-in cooler can prolong your unit’s lifespan.

While hiring professionals for this purpose may mean an extra expense, it’s a wise investment. You can be assured that all repairs and maintenance work will be done cautiously based on the warranty specifications.

  • Never Overload Your Unit

Avoid putting too much food and beverages in your commercial refrigeration units. An overloaded unit may need to work harder to maintain the temperature, resulting in premature wear and tear. 

In addition, most units work efficiently when you store enough food and drinks inside as it helps regulate the temperature and keep them functioning optimally.

  • Clean Your Unit’s Drain Tubes And Pans

Any commercial refrigeration unit can attract slime and sludge, causing your unit to freeze up. Be sure to check your tubing and drain pan that might experience frequent buildups.

Once the drain pan overflows with sludge and moisture, it may emit a foul odor throughout your kitchen space. So, ensure to clean the drain pan once a month using soap and warm water or a vinegar solution.

Excess grime may also cause your unit’s drain tubes to clog. Try checking the tubing at least every two months to avoid possible blockage. A major clog in the drainage hoses may lead to an overflow in the defrost system, causing leaks on your floor. If you see water spots on your hoses, use water and soap to get rid of the spots.

  • Replace The Air Filters

A commercial refrigeration unit has air filters, which are critical to its efficiency. Therefore, if these filters become clogged with debris and oil buildup, your unit may not be able to ventilate properly, causing unit failure.


To eliminate unwanted dirt particles from the air filters, consider using a powerful vacuum to suck up the debris before wiping them with a degreasing solution. If you think there’s too much damage to your air filters, it’s time to replace them immediately or hire a refrigerator repair service.

  • Check The Fan Motors Frequently

Your commercial refrigeration system’s fan matches the cooling supply and moves the air around depending on the needs of every level. It also affects your unit’s operational efficiency. So, checking your fan motors can ensure their optimal performance at standard speeds.

  • Clean The Exterior And Interior

Another commercial refrigeration maintenance tip you should never forget is consistently cleaning your unit’s exterior and interior parts. To do this, schedule a thorough cleaning of your refrigeration unit weekly or once in two weeks.

When cleaning the interior, remove the items inside your unit and place them in a temporary cooler or another unit. Then, use a soft brush to scrub the shelves. If you can remove the shelves or drawers, soak them in soapy water for a while, rinse with water, and dry with a soft cloth.

Your unit’s exterior part must also be cleaned frequently. Using appropriate cleaning materials and solutions on a stainless steel exterior is crucial. If possible, don’t use abrasive sponges or scrubbers and chlorine cleaners. Instead, consider using a soft brush or a washcloth to clean your unit’s exterior surface. If you want to remove stubborn food or grease, use the right stainless steel degreaser or a baking soda paste.

  • Keep Your Unit Dry

Finally, keep your unit dry as moisture encourages bacterial growth, causing odor and making your unit inefficient. In fact, too much moisture from inside your unit may interfere with cooling. So, keep your unit dry by wiping any water or liquid spills right away.


Keeping your commercial refrigeration unit in good condition is essential since you use it daily. Once you provide it with proper care and maintenance, you can be sure that your commercial refrigeration system will serve you well for many years. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money on repairs. But if you’re too busy and can’t keep up with the maintenance of your units, hire the best professionals to do the work for you.

Plattershare Food
Plattershare Food

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