6 Ingredients That Will Give Your Smoothies a Boost

Many know all the benefits of starting the day right, but sometimes, having the time and resources don’t align. In those instances, it is essential to find nutritious options for breakfast.


Smoothies have become one of the easiest ways to get all the fiber and other nutrients into the body. 

Please continue reading to learn more about making delicious smoothies and six ingredients that will give your smoothie a boost.

What’s So Good About Smoothies?

As its name implies, a smoothie is a drink that is thicker than water and juice and as nutritionally infused as wanted. Smoothies are typically served cold and are made using a blender. Although the ingredients and smoothies are vast, some common ingredients in smoothies include the following:

  • Spinach
  • Yogurt
  • Almond milk
  • Fresh fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Honey
  • Yogurt
  • Spices

In addition to smoothies being easy to make, some other benefits include these:

  • Provides a daily nutritional balance of fiber/protein and other nutrients
  • Increases a person’s intake of fruits and vegetables
  • Manages cravings for sweets/sugar
  • Replaces a meal

Six Smoothie-Boosting Ingredients

Smoothies are an easy way to ensure balance and nutrition, as long as the maker omits too much sugar. However, a slew of amazing ingredients can be added to smoothies to give them the boost needed without artificial sugar


1. Seeds and Nuts

The benefits of nuts and seeds cannot get overstated. They are high in good fats, a great source of dietary protein, rich and antioxidants, a great source of vitamins and minerals, and offer delicious flavor.

Adding nuts and seeds to smoothies helps give them bulk which helps sustain energy longer. Here are some nuts and seeds that are great for smoothies:

  • Brazilian nuts
  • Macadamia
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Cashews
  • Flax seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sesame seeds

2. Supplements

Adding supplements to smoothies is a great way to give them a boost. Supplements like collagen powder that aid in improved skin appearance and skin hydration is one of the best supplements to add to smoothies. Other supplements include these:

  • Protein powder
  • Maca
  • Wheatgrass
  • Bee pollen
  • Matcha

3. Oats

Oats are a sure-fire way to ensure that your smoothie is satisfying and able to sustain you for hours. There are different ways to add oats to your smoothie to make it nutrient-dense:

  • Putting the oats into the blender with your other ingredients until it is your desired thickness
  • Grinding the oath before you add them to a smoothie
  • Soaking the oats overnight

4. Oils

There are some great oils with a lot of nutritional value that benefits smoothies. In addition to calming nausea, oils can also help digestive problems. Here are some great oils for smoothies:

  • Coconut oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Ginger oil
  • Orange oil

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Some benefits of adding aloe vera to smoothies include antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Aloe vera also reduces dental plaque, constipation, and sugar levels in the blood. Adding aloe vera to smoothies is a great way to boost your smoothie for your health.

6. Dried Fruit

Typical smoothies include low-sugar fresh fruits. However, adding dried fruit like dates and raisins can take your smoothie to another level. In addition to giving your smoothie a bit of texture, adding dried fruit is also a great way to add sweetness to an otherwise vegetable-tasting smoothie. Dried fruit should be used in moderation; however, they are great for boosting the flavor of your smoothie.


As you have read, breakfast remains one of the most vital parts of a healthy and well-balanced diet. However, finding time to prepare a nutritious breakfast can be challenging. More people are turning to smoothies as meal replacements, especially for breakfast.

Six ingredients to give your smoothie a boost are listed above. Give them a try to see firsthand how they take your smoothie to the next level. Enjoy!

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