6 Foods To Help You To Sleep Well

Foods To Help You To Sleep Well! Eating right is a great way to help you get a good night’s sleep. Below are some foods that are guaranteed to help you drift off into a peaceful slumber.


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Here are the Foods To Help You To Sleep Well

1. Almonds

Almonds are particularly rich in melatonin. This is the hormone responsible for regulating your wake and sleep cycle. One serving (1oz) of whole almonds contains 76mg calcium and 77mg magnesium. These minerals come in handy in promoting sleep and muscle relaxation.

Almonds make a healthy evening snack for they are also rich in good fats and very few calories. The best thing about almonds is that, they are readily available online, in bulk-food stores, and grocery stores.

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6 Foods To Help You To Sleep Well - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

How To Make Quick And Easy Honey Glazed Almonds

Recipe by Sonia Gupta
Snacking with Honey Glazed Almonds Food and beverages that we eat in between our regular meal is termed as snaking. Honey glazed almonds are also great snacking option. No matter what time of a day you feel like eating snacks, these honey glazed almonds are a perfect companion of all times.
Typically snacking is not looked at as a good habit. It is because snacks are mostly referred to high calories and fatty foods e.g. cookies, cakes and wafers. Honey glazed almonds, on the contrary, is a healthy snacking option that even your dietician will like you to eat.
Healthy snacking vs unhealthy snacking. Whether snacking leads to weight gain or weight loss is no proven theory behind that. Few claim snacking to increase metabolism, but again there is no scientific research that proves the same. Healthline released a beautiful, evidence based article and wrote in detail about healthy and unhealthy snacking.
Concluding many research's together, the fine line is to choose healthy snacking option. You may snack to prevent hunger or may be to eat smaller portions thorough out the day. The reason could be different, but the choice should be healthy.
In healthy eating habit one of the suggested step is to replace unhealthy snacks with healthy snacks. Honey glazed almonds would be a good replacement. Almond and Honey benefits.
Almonds are a great source of vitamin E. Along with vitamin E, Almonds are also source of vitamin B2, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, biotin, and copper. Interestingly, more than 60% of the fat that almonds contain are monounsaturated fat that helps in lowering cholesterol.
On the other side, honey prevents cancer and heart diseases. I always depend on honey and turmeric when it comes to treating cough and throat irritation. Honey also helps in regulating blood sugar and its probiotic nature increase good bacteria in the body.
When combined together, almond and honey benefit the entire body system. Heating effects on Honey. Pure honey can stay unspoiled for thousands of years. A spoon of honey with Luke warm water helps in cutting down the fact, however, boiling or heating honey directly is never a good idea. Temperature more than 37 Degree Celsius (98.6F) has detrimental effects on the nutritional values of honey.
Healthy Roasted Almonds recipe with Glazed Honey. Honey glazed almonds with a hint of salt, is my favorite tea time partner. This recipe is a tried and tested recipe that satisfies the need of both, sweet and salty, snacking. Therefore, I consider this as the best honey roasted almonds recipe.
Check out this recipe

 2. Warm Milk

Whole milk is a rich source of melatonin, vitamin D, tryptophan, and Calcium. These compounds play a considerable role in promoting sleep; one of the reasons warm milk is commonly used as a home remedy for insomnia.


Many people are of the idea that, taking a warm cup of milk just before bedtime is more effective in promoting sleep than melatonin and tryptophan. Having a cup of warm milk can, therefore, be used as a bedtime ritual to help improve sleep.

Consider low-fat milk for snacks too. A cup of milk is highly nutritious for it contains:

  1. 300mg calcium
  2. 7.98g protein
  3. 499 IU Vitamin A
  4. 101 IU Vitamin D
  5. 100 calories

Although many people may prefer over-the-counter sleeping pills (prescription or not) to milk, a warm cup of milk is the best and healthier option.


6 Foods To Help You To Sleep Well - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

Turmeric Latte

Recipe by Geeta Biswas
Instead of putting a bunch of unhealthy ingredients like chocolate powder, sugar and cream in your milk start drinking (haldi doodh) turmeric milk. An old age remedy, it is a powerful combination that has several health benefits. It is an antiseptic spice, ayurvedic properties and good for cough and cold. Detoxify and purify our body. It improves blood circulation and stimulates the lymphatic system, which is body’s natural drainage mechanism. It also helps our liver detoxify the rest of our body.
Check out this recipe

 3. Kiwifruit

Research shows that having two kiwifruits a few hours before bedtime for a month helps improve your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep for uninterrupted sleep.

In the study, the participants experienced improved sleep efficiency and sleep quality in just four weeks. Among other reasons, the kiwifruit is effective in promoting sleep for it contains several compounds that do encourage sleep. These include:

  1. Anthocyanins
  2. Melatonin
  3. Flavonoids
  4. Potassium
  5. Carotenoids
  6. Folate
  7. Magnesium
  8. Calcium

 4. Chamomile Tea

Many people take chamomile tea as a bedtime ritual. This is because chamomile contains calming properties that not only help treat insomnia but also relax body muscles. Chamomile contains apigenin (a flavonoid) believed to induce sleep.

The compound works by activating GABA A receptors which contribute significantly to improved sleep quality. Making it a habit of having a warm cup of chamomile tea just before bedtime prepares your body and mind for sleep, hence good for your health.  You can order chamomile tea online or buy from the nearest grocery store.

6 Foods To Help You To Sleep Well - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

Organic Tea

Recipe by Chef Amir
This is actually a recipe that defines more herbal home remedy for common cold, fever or any problem related to throat, nose or head. In this recipe every ingredient has its own significant role that drives a medicinal support to boost immune system.
In fact, in this current situation everyone are fighting to get rid from CORONA a pandemic disease. Moreover, this virus is a fast transferring from a person to many due to which people are getting more infected and seems hard to control over.
So, this recipe i suggest every single people out there to follow at their household premises.It is not a hard or any science researched medicine but it is one of the most used ancient technique to improve our immune system. Definitely, this can make you safe and get you away from infections.
Check out this recipe

 5. Walnuts

Walnuts are a rich source of magnesium, serotonin, and melatonin, compounds believed to regulate and promote sleep. In addition to this, walnuts contain 158mg magnesium, 441mg potassium, 98 micro folate, and 98mg calcium in a 100gm serving.  Although walnuts may be high in melatonin, no scientific proof shows eating walnuts will indeed improve your sleep patterns. Nevertheless, many people attest to sleeping well after eating walnuts.

You can get your supply of walnuts online, in bulk-food stores, or buy from the nearest grocery store.

 6. Tart Cherries

Tart cherries are particularly rich in serotonin, melatonin, potassium, and tryptophan. These compounds are closely linked to better rest.  In addition to this, research shows that tart cherries contain abundant amounts of polyphenols, antioxidants that may also come in handy in promoting sleep.

 Rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and fibre, tart cherries make a good snack just before bedtime. Research also shows that these antioxidants promote faster healing and relaxation of muscles, as well as the mind. This leads to improved cognitive functions and better sleep. 

Several studies and reviews have also linked tart cherries to better sleep and cognitive functions. Be sure to pick tart cherries the next time you go grocery shopping. You can also order the same online and in food stores

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Austin Moulden
Austin Moulden

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