4 Spicy Rasams To Satiate Your Taste Buds

These are 4 rasam varieties you can try out in this winter season. They not only satiate your taste buds but also helps in improving your digestion. They are all very easy to make and we can make them in a jiffy. They are all tried and tested and also tasted recipes. So, hope all of you also try them and let me know your valuable comments.


There are two varieties of garlic rasams. Garlic generates heat in the body which is necessary for the winter season. Inguva means asafoetida or hing as is called in Hindi. It also helps in generating heat in the body. Very helpful in digestion. Coconut rasam is a simple and tasty one.

Thanking you one and all. 

Sailaja Angara
Sailaja Angara

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