Your Dream Cup Of Coffee And Smart Kitchen Solutions

The first ray of sunlight falls on the earth marking a new beginning, a new world to explore, a new fantasy to live…..errrrrrr. Wait, do these lines sound more like surreal write-ups from glossy paged magazines or one of those feel good Hollywood movies?


Rewind, let’s play that again. Here is the reality. You worked late past midnight, and there are still pending issues in the office which need immediate attention. Today your maid decided not to turn up because she has to attend her sister-in-law’s son’s daughter’s wedding (redefining long distance relationships) and you are sitting amidst craft paper lying on the floor because your kid’s science project has to be submitted tomorrow morning. What is first thing which comes to your mind?

“Koi Coffee Pila de yaar!!!!” (Can someone give me a cup of coffee for heavens sake!!).

Well, sorry babe! That someone is hard to find just like “The Mr perfect”. So you get up, put the milk to a simmer on the gas stove, put a teaspoon of that instant coffee powder and 1 spoon full of sugar (a Dietary Demon). You miss the crema of Coffee which is served in those high-end cafes.  You can now rush to one of those cafes (Yes few of them are open 24/7) to pick up an overpriced espresso, but will you? So, YOU COMPROMISE!!

But wait, what if you get to know that there are coffee machines available in the market which can give you the same feel, flavour and fantasy which you always dreamt of. Oh Yeah, You make up your mind that you are going to buy this dream machine which can give you the same flavour as cafes in the comfort of your home.

So you start searching all over the internet, only to get disillusioned with specifications, ratings, reviews on your friendly neighbourhood e-commerce fish markets. Facebook and google will understand your need immediately and would keep suggesting you sponsored ads of various brands, until you fall for one and your credit card would jump out of your pocket for some action but before you can jump to any conclusion! With all the hoopla, it makes sense to have a little technical knowledge about coffee machines. I found this video from Tecnora quite interesting.


It talks about what a real coffee espresso machine should be. And if you plan to buy one check out for the two most important properties, before you fall for discounts and pricing –

  1. a) Does it have a water pump? And
  2. b) What’s the pressure?

Hopefully, now you will be more confident when you buy it online.

It’s 7 AM and your kid’s school lunch box is waiting to be stuffed with something healthy. How about healthy Beetroot Dosa or Sprout Dosa? Rush and pull out your grumbling mixer and grinder, lying on your kitchen top taking up unnecessary space.  Put the ingredients and GRRRRRRRHHHHHHH… it wakes up your bachelor neighbour who would be wondering “who wakes up at this unearthly hour to test jet engines??” Well, if your mixer grinder sounds like a jet engine then it’s probably time to change it. So let him sleep peacefully while you prepare the puree for your Dosa and make freshly ground coconut chutney. How many times do you have to open the lid of your mixer just to stir it with a spoon? And how many times have you started the mixer in a hurry without putting the lid back on?

What if there is a mixer and grinder that comes with the stirrer and saves you from the dangerous practice of opening the lid and stirring and with safety features which require the lid/dome to be on before starting? Simple design solutions to solve your age old problem. Safety enabled, sleek, takes minimal space on your kitchen top and comes with a stirrer.


Now comes another challenge, you have to make lunch for the family for which you will definitely take an hour to churn out 3 dishes – the staple roti/rice, dal and sabzi. But, you really want to eat something light, may be just boiled veggies because of the obvious reason – You want to reduce weight. Dosas are good for the kids but you want to go light and yet want to make a scrumptious, healthy meal for rest of the family in a jiffy. Maybe just boil eggs and steam veggies or make a simple peas pulao (Without adding oil) and make it all in one shot. No, I’m not kidding! If you think your old style pressure cooker is the best, check out this Video which may make you change your mind and your lifestyle!

I don’t recommend you to buy these products, after all your lifestyle is your choice! But if you have changed your mind, then do give it a try. Call them on +91 750 600 3399 for a demo and maybe they will solve 3 major problems in your kitchen and your life too!

Mail them at [email protected] or check out their website for more details

Happy Cooking!!

Plattershare Food
Plattershare Food

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