The Top 8 Ways Coffee Can Help You Lose Weight

Coffee is one of the world’s favorite beverages, and for good reason! It tastes amazing, it gives you a boost of energy when you need it most, and has shown to have many health benefits.


However, in some cases, it is worth giving up coffee for a while. For example, if you are planning to get a tattoo, the use of the drink should be postponed for a day, as it excites the nervous system, which can affect the pain when applying ink. Nevertheless, it also depends on the tattoo artist. If you are looking for a pro, check out Ink-Match, which has a large number of masters for all tastes.

Returning to the benefits, today we are going to talk about weight loss and how coffee affects it. We’ve rounded up 8 ways coffee can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

How Does Coffee Affect Weight?

1. Coffee Is High In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from damage by free radicals, which cause aging. By drinking coffee regularly you can help increase weight loss and decrease your risk of diseases caused by oxidative stress such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, or Parkinson’s disease.

2. Coffee Improves Your Mental Alertness

Coffee is a stimulant, meaning it wakes you up and keeps you alert. Coffee can improve your mood, cognitive function (better memory), physical performance in the gym or on the track/field, productivity at work or school, reaction time while driving.

3. Coffee Can Boost Your Energy Levels

If you are like most people, coffee is your go-to source of energy when the sleep fog begins to lift in the morning. Coffee provides an almost instantaneous boost for many people who consume it regularly and can help with mild fatigue issues as well. If you need that extra jolt or push when training during fitness, drinking coffee can give you that energizing boost to get through your workout.


The Top 8 Ways Coffee Can Help You Lose Weight

4. Coffee Helps Speed Up Your Metabolism

Coffee contributes to weight loss in many ways, but mostly because it speeds up your metabolism. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories you burn while at rest and without doing anything else, including exercise. Coffee increases BMR by between three and 11 percent for several hours after drinking. That means that if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, your body will burn more calories throughout the day.

5. Coffee Helps Combat Sugar Cravings

When ​you have a craving for something sweet, it is because your body needs an energy boost. Coffee can provide this without having to reach for chocolate or a candy bar that will only make the sugar addiction worse over time

Drinking coffee black as part of a snack helps with weight loss by taking care of those cravings and providing simple calories from the coffee itself.

6. Coffee Can Improve Your Training Sessions

Coffee has been shown to improve endurance and strength. Research shows that caffeine can increase performance, reduce perceived exertion and lessen muscle pain during exercise. This means you can work out longer and harder with less pain! Coffee is also high in polyphenols which reduces the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) and stimulates fat oxidation at rest.


The Top 8 Ways Coffee Can Help You Lose Weight

7. Coffee Helps Lower Your Stress Levels

Coffee helps lower your stress levels. This is especially important if you are trying to lose weight because stress can cause cortisol levels to rise, leading to increased appetite and higher calorie intakes (and body fat gains).

One study even found that stressed-out men who drank two cups of coffee a day experienced significantly less anxiety than those who drank a placebo beverage. Coffee provides the same benefits as green tea and black tea, so if you enjoy drinking these beverages but don’t like coffee it’s okay to stick with them.

8. Coffee Is A Good Source Of Zinc

Zinc is a mineral that helps with weight loss because it enhances leptin sensitivity. Leptin is the hormone responsible for regulating your appetite and metabolism. When you are sensitive to this hormone, you will eat less and burn more calories which means faster weight loss.

Coffee is a good source of zinc. So, if you drink a couple of cups of coffee each day, it should help with weight loss.

Which Type Of Coffee Should You Have?

Coffee today has many health benefits, but choosing the right type can be difficult.

Some of the most popular types include:

  • Italian Roast Coffee

Contains low calories and antioxidants that are great for weight loss without sacrificing taste or flavor. This roast is darker than other coffees which give it a stronger kick to help get your day started.

  • Dark Roast Coffee

This coffee is also rich in antioxidants and made from Arabica beans. It’s a bit more expensive than other roasts, but the less bitter taste makes it an easy choice for those who do not like the strong flavors of black coffee.

  • Medium Blend Coffee

With lower caffeine content than other dark roasts, this coffee is easy to drink and provides many health benefits. It’s also less bitter than darker coffees which makes it a popular choice for those who are new to drinking black coffee or those looking for more flavor in their cup.

  • Espresso

This coffee is typically made from Arabica beans which are not only rich in antioxidants but have lower caffeine content compared to Robusta Beans used for regular brewed cups. Espressos also have less acid which makes it easier on your stomach and can even help prevent heartburn.


Coffee is a healthy choice for most people, it may also be beneficial to your weight loss goals. If you are looking to lose weight or need an extra boost in energy during the day, consider adding coffee as part of your routine and keep track of how much you drink and what kind.

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