The Moment You Cook From Your Heart, Cooking Is Such A Joy – Chef Lobo

Chef Gregory Lobo is a known name in the food industry but his journey started way back in 1995 and ever since there is no looking back. With experience of working with top brands in hospitality industry and owner of various food joints like The Grill House Restaurant, Kilo Kurry, HotChix. Chef Lobo is a true inspiration.


Plattershare is a platform which aims to bring professional chefs closer to home chefs and foodies.

If you would like to connect with him, follow him on Plattershare and get a chance to directly converse with him.

Get inspired and enjoy cooking.

1. Tell us something about your culinary journey so far?

My culinary journey started after completion of Hotel management course from IHM Bangalore. I joined Taj group of Hotels followed by The Oberoi’s. Became part of P&O Cruises and did a world tour to discover food around the globe.


Becoming a young executive chef at Orion Complex in Bangalore, starting my own food company & catering for Bacardi Launch in Bangalore was an enriching experience.

I joined Millers 46 as a working partner, moved up to The Chancery Hotels in Bangalore as the Executive Chef and later on joined Unilever Food Solutions as their first Executive Chef for India where I completed 10 years while working on projects for quick service restaurant menu’s (I worked closely with McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut etc.)

After gaining the varied knowledge, I started The Grill House Restaurant, Kilo Kurry, HotChix.

Being honoured with an Honorary Doctorate in Hospitality and certified Judge at WACS (World association of chef’s Society), I have had a wonderful experience


2. Can you tell us one of the most difficult ingredient / recipe which you have worked on and why?

The Challenge was to create a rice burger bun, I had to use all my imagination to get the crispiness for the bun, so that I could place a chicken steak between the rice bun ( I tried making a replica of bun with cooked rice, moulded and oven cooked again to make it crispy) for an international chain in Japan.

3. What is your favourite cuisine which you love to cook? 

I love to BBQ and specialise in it, I use all sorts of flavours and sauces, to make it interesting, I have tried Argentinian, Japanese, Korean, European, African and regional Indian flavours in BBQ and people have loved my creations.

4. According to you if one wants to become a chef and reach at the top in the industry, what professional courses he/she should attend. What are the qualities to become a great chef?

If you want to become a chef, remember it is hard work, dedication and the love towards good food that will keep you in the industry. To be India specific, get a diploma or a degree in Hotel management. If you can’t, don’t fret. Go to Europe and get into a good Restaurant/ Hotel and do your apprentice for a couple of years and then, move out to other places. If you have the means, join a culinary course by Cordon Blue or Culinary Institute of America and then get trained in some of the best places, once you have worked for a minimum of 2-4 years, then venture out and world is yours.

5. One chef who has always inspired you?

Chef Anton Mossimon, he was one of the early chefs who changed the way the food is being served in Europe and inspired me to serve unique and delicious  dish every time.

6. What message would you like to give to our foodie friends and particularly to home chefs?

The word Foodies has several meanings. The last time a girl told me that she is total foodie and then said that she keeps eating all the time. A good foodie has to understand the food, the way it is cooked, actual ingredients which makes the dish better (Not to add ketchup or soy sauce or chutney into everything) and appreciate good food.

Remember “Good food Good mood,” you will burn some, spice some, salt some of the food initially, but the moment you cook from your heart, it seems that cooking is such a joy and a great thing to do.

Plattershare Food
Plattershare Food

Plattershare is platform to connect food lovers, food professionals and food brands. Share your recipes, food stories, food pictures and promote food businesses

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