South-Indian Filter Coffee

South-Indian Filter Coffee - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers
Recipe Cuisine TypeSouth Indian

About South-Indian Filter Coffee

Coffee grown worldwide can trace its heritage back centuries to the ancient coffee forests on the Ethiopian plateau. Legend says the goat herder Kaldi first discovered the potential of these beloved beans. He found coffee after seeing that his goats, upon consuming berries from a particular tree, ended up being so energetic that they did not wish to rest during the night. And i like Filter-Coffee since the day i was introduced to it in Bangalore. There will be hardly any Breakfast store who doesn't sell Coffee served in small steel-glass. After that it became a regular affair at my home ,to start my preparation i bought a small Steel Coffee maker equipment from local shop nearby which is used to prepare the thick decoction .And i like Filter-Coffee since the day i was introduced to it in Bangalore. There will be hardly any Breakfast store who doesn't sell Coffee served in small steel-glass. After that it became a regular affair at my home ,to start my preparation i bought a small Steel Coffee maker equipment from local shop nearby which is used to prepare the thick decoction . Once the decoction is prepared ,you can use it to prepare black coffee or add milk to it. You may see there is an element called "Chicory" added to coffee powder making a filter coffee powder. It is the roasted and ground root of the cultivated plant species, Chicorium Intybus, subspecies Sativum. Roasted chicory contains none of the volatile oils and aromatics that are contained in roasted coffee. It also contains no caffeine , yield 45 to 65% of soluble extractive matter, while coffee yields only 20 to 25%. This difference explains why less coffee and chicory can be brewed while still resulting in a beverage that looks (and tastes) quite strong.Chicory was cultivated as early as 5000 years ago by Egyptians as a medicinal plant.Sometimes i prefer a cup with some extra flavor for a different taste. First i tried Green-Cardamom , this version of Coffee is liked most by my family members. You can also try adding a pinch of clove powder or cinnamon to it. Though these two spices are little bit stronger compared to cardamom.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Served AsBeverages
Servings - 2




  • Take a steel Coffee maker.Put coffee powder in it .Add boiling water and close the lid. Wait for few minutes till the decoction is collected at bottom.
  • Boil milk with sugar ,cardamom powder. Now as per your taste pour decoction in each cup. Add boiled milk to it .Enjoy your cup.
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Sai Priya
Sai Priya

I love travelling, meeting people, knowing their dreams, capturing that essence of Life in my camera lens, while doing that I never miss a chance to explore...


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