List Of Unique Berries That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (With Pictures)

We hope you enjoyed are previous article on Types Of Berries, Health Benefits And Berry Recipes, today our Plattershare content Manager, Parinaaz Marolia acquaints you with 13 unique berries that you may or may not have heard of, lets go..
Table of Contents
1. Chokeberry (Aronia Berries)
Also known as Aronia, chokeberries are one of the most bitter tasting berries, these also have a very dry taste due to their high tannin content.
However, they are full of lots of beneficial nutrients.
Chokeberries contain a good amount of the following micronutrients:
- Vitamin C: 49% RDA
- Iron: 11% RDA
- Vitamin A: 10% RDA
In fact, there are two different types of chokeberries: red and black. The black ones are quite prevalent, but red chokeberries are harder to find.
You can also find lots of Aronia powder supplements, which claim to improve your health significantly.
2. Cloudberry
Cloudberries are an amber-orange coloured fruit, which is shaped like a cloud.
Cloudberries are a major source of vitamin C
The best thing about cloudberries might be their unusual appearance, but they are also an impressive source of vitamin C without the large amounts of fructose some other fruits provide.
Cloudberries are also quite high in protein in comparison to other berries.
Regarding their benefits, like other types of berries, cloudberries have been shown to protect against LDL oxidation in a clinical setting.
3. Cranberry
Cranberries are one of the most famous types of berries in the world, from juice to dried berries, alcohol, and jams, they’re used to make all sorts of different things.
Cranberries contain a good source of vitamin C
First of all, cranberries have a slightly sour taste and a result, many cranberry products are loaded with sugar as well as vegetable oil.
Cranberry juice is often recommended as a treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs), based on a wealth of studies suggesting they have a beneficial effect.
4. Elderberry
Elderberries are a tiny variety of berry that is often used in making tea.
Elderberries provide an excellent source of the following nutrients:
- Vitamin C: 87% RDA
- Vitamin A: 17% RDA
- Vitamin B6: 17% RDA
- Iron: 13% RDA
- Potassium: 12% RDA
Generally speaking, most elderberries have a tart and bitter taste, because of this, it’s easy to find many sweetened elderberry products such as elderberry tea and jam.
Similar to many other dark berries, elderberries contain flavonoids called anthocyanins which have many health benefits.
Elderberries have a history as a traditional anti-viral treatment and in clinical studies, elderberry flavonoids compare well to anti-influenza meds such as Tamiflu.
5. Goji Berry (Wolfberry)
Appearing over the last decade or so, goji berries are now available almost everywhere, usually as a dried berry.
Also known as ‘wolfberry,’ goji berries are native to East Asia and are traditionally made into a tea in China and Korea.
Goji berries provide an excellent source of the following nutrients:
- Vitamin A: 50% RDA
- Copper: 28% RDA
- Selenium: 25% RDA
- Riboflavin: 21% RDA
- Iron: 14% RDA
As shown above, goji berries are fairly high in nutrients but with a higher sugar content than other types of berries, the main reason for this is that they are dried, so they have a higher sugar concentration.
Goji berries contain the antioxidant zeaxanthin, which has proven benefits to improve eyesight.
On the positive side, goji berries taste amazing.
It’s hard to describe the taste because they’re unique.
Chewy, flavourful, tough, but soft inside… a little sweet and slightly bitter.
6. Gooseberry
Gooseberries are a very sour, tart type of berry that grow all over the world.
Gooseberries provide the following nutrients:
- Manganese: 11% RDA
- Vitamin C: 69% RDA
Not only is it possible to see fresh gooseberries, but also frozen, canned, and dried ones.
As previously mentioned, they have a very sour taste – something akin to a sour grape, however, they are also a little sweet which balances the taste more than a lemon, for instance.
This berry contains a good amount of antioxidants and it quite nutritious.
7. Huckleberry
If you’ve ever seen a huckleberry, you’ll note how similar to blueberries they look, however, their nutrient profile and taste are a little different.
Like other dark purple fruit, huckleberries are also high in anthocyanin flavonoids.
Huckleberries vs. Blueberries: What’s the Difference?
Despite looking the same, huckleberries and blueberries have quite a few differences.
For one thing, blueberries contain a lot more carbohydrate (mainly sugar) – and thus a higher number of calories too.
While blueberries are usually commercially cultivated, huckleberries are mainly found in the wild.
8. Lingonberry
Lingonberries are another highly touted berry full of healthy flavonoids, with a range of commercial powders and drinks springing up around them.
Lingonberries are associated with a healthier gut microbiota and reduced plasma markers of inflammation.
9. Loganberry
While sounding quite similar to lingonberry, loganberries are an altogether different fruit.
Lingonberries provide the following nutrients:
- Manganese: 92% RDA
- Vitamin C: 72% RDA
- Vitamin K: 14% RDA
- Folate: 10% RDA
The loganberry is also a hybrid cross between a raspberry and a blackberry, but it measures slightly longer in length.
Regarding taste, it is also somewhere in between the two. Apparently, it was accidentally created by a horticulturist in the late 19th century.
Loganberries can be eaten fresh or used to make various condiments.
Similar to other types of berries, loganberries are high in vitamin C and contain beneficial flavonoids as well.
10. Salmonberries
There are many interesting types of berries, but salmonberries have a unique orange colour which looks impressive.
Salmonberries provide a good source of the following nutrients:
- Manganese: 75% RDA
- Vitamin K: 25% RDA
- Vitamin C: 20% RDA
- Vitamin A: 15% RDA
- Vitamin E: 10% RDA
The colour of salmonberries is a bright orange and the taste is slightly sweet, a tiny bit sour, and very juicy.
As regards their health benefits, they are a very good source of manganese, and vitamins A, C, and K. Additionally, studies suggest that wild salmonberries are an exceptional source of antioxidants.
11. Tayberry
Tayberries are another species of berry closely related to raspberries.
In fact, they are a cross between raspberries and blackberries.
Doesn’t that make them the same as loganberries?
Although they have many similarities, the difference between loganberries and tayberries is the size and sweetness.
Originally loganberries were an unintentional cross-breed, whereas tayberries are specially cultivated for size and a sweet taste.
Like other berries related to raspberries, tayberries are rich in vitamin C and flavonoids.
12. White Mulberry
Unlike the red mulberry which is native to the United States, the white mulberry is a Chinese native berry.
White mulberries provide the following nutrients:
- Vitamin C: 85% RDA
- Vitamin K: 14% RDA
- Iron: 14% RDA
White mulberries are high in vitamin C and flavonoids and have an all-around healthy profile.
Similar to other types of berries, people say they help prevent diabetes.
13. Black Raspberry
Despite looking similar to blackberries, black raspberries are different fruit.
Black raspberries are a significant source of (9):
- Vitamin C: 58% RDA
Black raspberries have also demonstrated strong anti-carcinogenic properties in clinical studies.
These studies show that black raspberries have anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and tumour-suppressive activity
So how many of these unique berries did you know of?, let us know in the comments below, also if you liked what you read, don’t forget to share this article with your friends.
Also read: Types Of Berries, Health Benefits And Berry Recipes
About the Author: Parinaaz is an MBA Finance by profession and writer by passion. She blogs at “A Dollop of That!”, her food blog, that was the outcome of her passion for writing, which surfaced often but never overflowed and since she loves to experiment with ingredients, a recipe blog was her natural choice.
When Parinaaz is not blogging, she doubles up as a content partner for Plattershare, practices Iyengar yoga, mimics all and sundry or is out and about photographing pretty flowers all depending on what time of the day it is. You can be in touch with Parinaaz on her blog – A Dollop of That, or like her Facebook page, or follow her on Instagram, Twitter and Google+
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