Gabriel Patterson, Winnipeg Fitness And Nutrition Expert, Shares 5 High-protein Foods To Boost Your Weight Loss

High-protein foods are excellent for people trying to lose weight; they help you to feel full for longer and can prevent hunger pangs, energy dips, and food cravings. Adding plenty of high-quality protein to your diet is also important when trying to increase muscle mass, as protein is essential for building muscle. Here, Gabriel Patterson, Winnipeg nutrition expert and fitness coach, lists five high-protein foods to boost your weight loss.


Chicken Breast 

A skinless chicken breast contains around 30 grams of protein, as well as generous amounts of vitamin B6, B12, and magnesium. Grilled, baked and steamed chicken breasts are also low in fat and calories, making them ideal for weight loss. Chicken skin contains high amounts of fat, so it’s usually best to remove the skin. If you find skinless chicken breasts too dry or tasteless, Gabriel Patterson recommends brushing the chicken with a little olive oil and sprinkling with some seasoning or spices.


Salmon is packed with high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been implicated in many different health conditions and diseases, including obesity and problems with metabolism. Salmon is also incredibly versatile, with fresh, frozen, smoked and canned versions available. A regular can of salmon or small fresh fillet contains around 20 grams of protein and is less than 200 calories.



Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet; they contain almost every nutrient the human body needs. Eggs are low in calories, high in protein and packed with essential amino acids. One study showed that obese patients were more likely to lose weight when they ate eggs for breakfast. The protein and other nutrients found in eggs are also thought to aid weight loss by helping to control appetite. One large egg contains around eight grams of protein and is only 85 calories.

Baked Beans 

Baked beans are cheap, convenient and surprisingly nutritious; one small can contains generous amounts of iron, calcium, and dietary fiber, which helps to release energy more slowly. The tomato sauce also contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent cell damage, heart disease, and even some cancers. A small can of baked beans contains around nine grams of protein and is 180 calories. 

Peanut Butter 


One of the quickest and simplest ways to boost your protein intake is by eating a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter. One study showed that eating peanuts can help to protect the cardiovascular system and prevent heart disease. Peanut butter is convenient and ideal for spreading on toast, adding to smoothies or eating straight from the jar; it is also a great option for vegetarians and vegans. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain around seven grams of protein and are less than 200 calories.

High-protein foods can help to prevent cravings, energy dips, and hunger between meals, making them ideal for weight loss. Because protein is an essential building block for muscle, it is even more important for those wanting to build muscle mass. Chicken breast, salmon, eggs, baked beans, and peanut butter are all great high-protein foods to boost weight loss.

Lauren Daniels
Lauren Daniels

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