Christmas Dinner Activities For The Whole Family
Christmas is an excellent chance for the whole family to be together. But it can always be more fun. Joy and genuine smiles bring people together even more closely. Don’t forget to think of some Christmas activities that everyone will enjoy!
As Christmas is approaching, you are more invested in the idea of doing something different this year. It is lovely to have the opportunity to spend this time with family and friends and enjoy a nice meal. Nevertheless, you can’ t resist the feeling that you want to organize something new and bring more fun to your gathering.
What can it be? We can tell you from experience that there isn’t a better way to elevate the mood even more than introducing some fun Christmas activities. There are plenty of Christmas activities that you can do with your kids, friends, partners. We will present to you here some of them that we found entertaining.
We always insist that Christmas is all about sharing this time with people we love. However, we cannot deny that it is also about Santa coming and making everyone a bit happier with the gifts they wanted. If you are designated Santa in your family and happen to live with a toddler or know someone who does, you must check out the best toddler bike.
Christmas Activities for Families
Finding Christmas activities for families, we must admit, isn’t always straightforward. You have to know everyone well enough to find something that everybody will enjoy.
Christmas Carol Picture Scramble
Well everyone likes Christmas carols, right? This is a great game that children and adults will equally enjoy. Players compete against each other to combine cards to create popular Christmas carols. It is possible to make 30 songs in total. You will start with a deck of 133 cards. This game is more for teenagers and adults, but it can be adjusted for younger kids as well.
Pin the Nose on Rudolph
It is a super entertaining game to play as Christmas party activities for children. It is a holiday version of the pin the tail on the donkey. You need to print a picture of Rudolph and hang it on a wall. Then make a red nose. Blindfold each kid when it’s their turn. Then spin them one by one and let them pin the nose on reindeer’s face. Mark the score of every participant, and the kid who is the closest wins.
Christmas Charades
This is also one of the Christmas activities for older kids. The rules are the same as for regular charades. The only difference is that everything is connected to Christmas. Split into two teams and think of a movie, song, or character that is related in some way to holiday and explain to your friends without using words.
Stocking Guessing Game
Put as many things as possible in a stocking and close it with a ribbon so no one can see what is inside. Make a circle and pass it around so everyone can try to figure out what is there. Also, each player should have a piece of paper to write down the correct guesses.
Christmas Memory Game
Choose eight Christmas themed pictures and print two samples of each. Mix them up and arrange them on the table upside down, so everyone sees just a blank side. The player turns the picture and then tries to guess where is another one that matches the one she or he picked. When players find it, they keep the card, get the point, and a chance to find another pair. This is one of those excellent Christmas activities for kids that helps them develop their cognitive skills.
Christmas Activities for Adults
You usually enjoy food and doing all that ‘grown-up’ stuff after a Christmas meal. But why not instead have some fun and try out some of the Christmas activities for adults?
Christmas Version of Two Truths and a Lie
The rules are changed in the sense that truths and lies are connected to Christmas. A question can be, for example, to list three gifts you received. Each participant tells about two presents they actually got and a false story. The goal is to figure out which story is fake and those who do get the point.
Christmas Guess Who
It is one of the excellent Christmas activities that can be played as an ice breaker. Every guest can make their list of their Christmas related cues (Sang Christmas Carols at 3 in the morning; Never drank eggnog, etc.). Then they look for someone who fits each of the questions.
This is a simple creative game that gives an idea of how well we know each other. You have a deck of 84 cards, 36 tokens, and six game pieces. Each player gets their tokens and a game piece and puts it on the board. Mix the cards and hand out 6 to everyone. One player should pick a card and think of the clue word to describe it to others. Then they have to guess her or his card based on this single clue.
We hope you liked the selection of Christmas activities that we picked out for you. Of course, there are many other exciting games that you can play with your friends or kids and family members. What are your favorite games?
We are looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, we wish you a happy holiday and a good time with your loved ones.