Different Approaches To Rehydrate

Did you know that more than 60% of your body mass is made up of water? It thus means that if you weigh 130 pounds, then about 78 pounds of this mass is simply water. Your body needs constant rehydration for normal functioning. Some of the most common signs of dehydration include increased thirst, infrequent urination, dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, and headache, to mention but a few. The following are some of the healthy ways to keep your body hydrated.


Drink water

This drink is the most abundant and cheapest approach to keep your system hydrated. Water does not contain added sugars or calories, unlike other beverages. The water you consume should be purified and contain essential nutrients, but you do not have to worry because you can order at Diamond Rock.

Experts in the health and nutrition fields advice that an adult should consume at least eight glasses of water in a day. Metabolism levels differ from one person to the other. If you are the kind of person who loses a lot of sodium through sweating, then you need to rehydrate frequently. You also need to take foods that have high levels of sodium to ensure that you rebalance your system.

Coffee and tea

Most people either take a cup of coffee or tea early in the morning or after a stressful day at work. However, coffee and tea contain caffeine, and taking high amounts can dehydrate your system due to its diuretic properties. On the other hand, taking tea and coffee in moderate quantities will bring the same hydrating benefits that you can derive when you drink water.


Your body will feel the dehydrating effects of caffeine when you take around 250-300 mg of caffeine (2-3 cups of coffee) or 5-8 cups of tea. If your coffee is bitter, then you can spice it up.

Low-fat milk

Milk is one of the common beverages that people take for breakfast. Some of the nutrients that you get in milk include phosphorous, protein, calcium, potassium, iodine, Vitamins B2, and B12. Milk also comes with high concentrations of electrolytes, which aids in the balancing of water in your body.

Low-fat milk has the same rehydrating effects you can get in a sports drink. Milk has high quality proteins that help your body recover after an intense workout session where the muscles need to rebuild. However, some people take milk and experience bloating after an intense workout session.


Oral hydration solutions

The body may lose a lot of water due to vomiting or diarrhea. Such oral solutions are meant to prevent losing water or restore the water levels in the body after such occurrences. Such hydration techniques also come in handy when you want to treat hangovers or even speed up the muscle recovery process after strenuous exercises.

Oral hydration solutions contain electrolytes such as chloride, potassium, and sodium. You will also find sugars in these solutions in the form of dextrose, as it helps to reenergize the system. You can buy ready-made oral solutions or make them at home using simple ingredients such as sugar, salt, and water.

Take lots of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain 80-99% water, which makes them a good choice for those who want to snack and hydrate at the same time. This is unlike processed foods such as chips, cereals, and cookies that only contain 1-9% water. Some of the vegetables and fruits with high water levels include melons, berries, grapes, oranges, lettuce, carrot, spinach, and cabbage.

Make it a habit of stocking fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also take frozen fruits as they are nutritious, just like the fresh ones. You can as well prepare a smoothie which allows you to take a combination of many fruits or vegetables at a go.

Avoid alcohol

We have so far covered the best approaches to rehydrate. However, taking alcohol will slow down the recovery process. Alcohol creates the urge to urinate frequently, which contributes to dehydration. Sodas with high sugar content are also not a good option for rehydration. The ideal fluids are those that your body will retain for long.

Knowing that you are what you eat is essential when you want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Checking your weight before vigorous exercises and afterward is one of the approaches to determine what you may have lost. Remaining hydrated comes with a lot of benefits such as boosting your cardiovascular health, cooling your body, improving coordination of joints, maintaining glowing skin, and preventing dry mouth.

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