Veg Burger

Veg Burger - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Veg Burger

Burger is a easy recipe. It is a favorite delight of young generation.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Served AsBreakfast
Servings - 2




  • Take a nonstick pan heat add oil. Add onion paste, garlic paste, black pepper powder and salt.
  • Stir well add mashed potatoes stir well. switch off the flame and make patties and shallow fry.
  • Take burger slice into two pieces and toast. Brush with butter both sides.
  • Apply tomato sauce on the bottom slice then followed by green salad, patties, mayonnaise, tomato slice, onion rings, cheese slice and finally top slice.
  • Serve with tomato sauce and cold drinks.
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Geeta Biswas
Geeta Biswas

Are you missing old, traditional recipes? I, Geeta Biswas would love to share all those different tasty and traditional recipes. Most of my recipes are simple and very creative as I try to add twist and easy steps to prepare each and every recipe.


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