About Tinkaras

The name sounds interesting! Isn't it ? Coming to the story behind the name of the recipe. It is named by my daughter ๐Ÿ™‚ . "Tinkara" is a healthy, scrumptious dessert with a crispy texture outside and soft inside. The rich flavor of honey can be enjoyed in every bite of Tinkara.
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Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time35 minutes
Served AsDesserts
Recipe TasteSweet
Servings - 4




  • Heat ghee in a pan. Fry the cashewnuts until they turn slightly golden in color. Keep it aside.
  • Preparation of Tinkaras - Take a bowl. Mix the above ingredients except oil ( as mentioned in Tinkara dough preparation ) well to form a firm dough.
  • Allow it to rest for 10 minutes. In the meanwhile ,heat oil in a pan over a low flame.
  • Now take the dough. Make small lemon size balls out of this. Press each ball on your palm with the help of your thumb to get patties shaped Tinkaras.
  • Drop them in oil . When one side of the tinkara turns into golden brown then carefully fry the other side also.
  • Similarly fry all the coin shaped tinkaras carefully over a low to medium flame.
  • Preparation of Sugar Syrup - Heat a heavy bottomed pan. Add sugar and pour water to it. Over a medium flame , boil it for 10 minutes or until one string consistency like gulab jamun syrup is formed.
  • Sprinkle one pinch of black pepper powder and 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom powder to it.
  • Dunk the Tinkaras in the sugar syrup until they absorb the syrup well.
  • Garnish with fried cashews. Drizzle a teaspoon of honey over it ( only if needed) .
  • You can either serve these tasty tinkaras chilled or warm.

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