Sweetu Sandwich

Sweetu Sandwich - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Sweetu Sandwich

This festive season I want to share this unique tasty and nutty recipe with healthy vegetables like carrot, beetroot, tomato. A fusion recipe!
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Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
Total Time1 hour 10 minutes
Served AsDesserts
Recipe TasteSweet
Servings - 8




  • Heat a Kadai and pour tomato puree in it. Cook it three minutes then gradually add sugar, ghee , clove powder ,crushed cashew nuts .Simmer it till the mixture becomes thick and the ghee separates from the Kadai. Then first layer is ready. For second
  • Layer heat a kadai pour carrot puree in it. Add one by one, ghee sugar, crushed walnuts, milk powder.Stir continuously till mixture becomes thick and the ghee separates from the Kadai. Then third layer heat a kadai pour beetroot puree boil for
  • 10 minutes then add sugar , ghee , pistachio slices simmer it till the mixture becomes thick and Ghee separates from the Kadai. Then for stuffing heat a kadai pour chaana , khoya , crushed cashew nuts and cardamom powder sugar & mix it.
  • Cook for 3 minutes. Then churn it to a smooth texture. Now arrange for sandwich. Place a aluminium foil on square tray and greas it pour the tomato mixture and spread it ,
  • Layer carrot mixture spread it thoroughly then pour chaana mixture spread it thoroughly, pour beetroot mixture spread it thoroughly on top . Garnish with mixed dry fruits. Refrigerate it for at least 2 hours. Then cut it in required shapes.
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