Instant Coconut Laddoo : Festival Quickies

Instant Coconut Laddoo : Festival Quickies - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Instant Coconut Laddoo : Festival Quickies

This 'lick your fingers' sweet takes just a few minutes to prepare but tastes absolutely divine. I love the flavor of coconut in my dishes, be it cakes cakes, cookies, desserts or sweets. This Instant Coconut Laddoo has a wonderful toasty flavor from the coconut and that blended with the light hint of spices makes this a delectable delight.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time2 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time12 minutes
Served AsSnacks
Servings - 4




  • Heat a heavy bottomed pan. Turn the flame to low heat and toast the grated coconut for a few minutes until a nice aroma comes through and a little moisture has disappeared.
  • Take care not to brown/ burn it. Remove 4 to 5 tablespoons toasted coconut from the pan and keep aside on a flat plate.
  • To the remaining coconut in the pan, add the milk powder, ground cardamom, and condensed milk. [You can adjust the sweetness as per taste. Add more if you like it sweeter]
  • On a low flame, stir all the ingredients together. Keep stirring so that the mixture does not stick to the pan. In about 2 to 3 minutes, the mixture will come together into a ball and it will leave the sides.
  • [the mixture will stop sticking to the sides]
  • Grease palms with a little ghee. Divide the coconut laddoo mixture into equal portions and roll into laddoos [or balls]
  • Roll each laddoo in the reserved toasted coconut and arrange in an airtight container.
  • Serve immediately.
  • Store these laddoos in a refrigerator.

Recipe Notes

You could even use unsweetened dessicated coconut in place of freshly grated coconut.

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Donna George
Donna George


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