Eggless & Milkless Icy Fruit (Without Preservatives)

Eggless & Milkless Icy Fruit (Without Preservatives) - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Eggless & Milkless Icy Fruit (Without Preservatives)

This dessert can be consumed even by lactose intolerant kids without compromising the original taste of ice-creams made from animal milk {dairy }.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Recipe TasteSweet
Servings - 4




  • Heat a pan on a low flame. Pour one part of almond milk into it. Ensure it to be warm but do not boil it.
  • Take a bowl. Add three tablespoons of riceflour. By adding little quantity of almond milk, mix it well so that no lumps are formed.
  • Transfer the above mix to the first part of warm almond milk. Stir continuously over medium flame to prevent lumps formation. add sugar to it and mix properly with the help of a ladle until the sugar dissolves.
  • Pour the remaining part of almond milk to the above mix. Stir it continuously until the mixture thickens. Once the mixture thickens, turn off the flame. Then by adding the almond paste mix it uniformly.
  • Keep it aside till it attains the room temperature.
  • After it is cooled, mango pulp and sliced pieces of dry fruits. Finally mix it well.
  • Transfer it to serving bowls or ice cream molds and freeze it for 8 to 10 hours. Garnish with dry fruits and serve chilled.
    Eggless & Milkless Icy Fruit (Without Preservatives) - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers
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