Choco Kulfi

Choco Kulfi - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Choco Kulfi

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Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Served AsDinner
Servings - 2




  • Make a batter with corn flour, sugar powder, Kaiser, crushed badaam and cashew nut. Let it cool and pour in container and freeze for eight hours. Melt Choco powder in a double boiler. Now demold kulfi and dip in melted chocolate. Again keep freeze.
  • Serve after one hour
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Geeta Biswas
Geeta Biswas

Are you missing old, traditional recipes? I, Geeta Biswas would love to share all those different tasty and traditional recipes. Most of my recipes are simple and very creative as I try to add twist and easy steps to prepare each and every recipe.


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