Chia Seeds Melon & Pomegranate Smoothie

Chia Seeds Melon & Pomegranate Smoothie - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Chia Seeds Melon & Pomegranate Smoothie

As summer is already making its way in Hyderabad watermelon is started showing up in every other lane. So to welcome summers I prepared this wonderful smoothie by mixing this super-cool fruit with chia seeds & pomegranate to increase its nutritive value.We all are aware of the benefits of pomegranate but for chia seeds I must say it is the most nutritious food known till today. It is loaded with fibers,proteins & omega 3 fatty acids. So take advantage of this super-food & enjoy this chilled on a hot summer morning or at room temperature on a not so hot morning. This keeps you fresh & rejuvenated for long hours...
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time3 minutes
Total Time18 minutes
Servings - 2




  • Blend everything together. I have not taken off melon seeds & used pomegranate seeds. If you don't like solids in your smoothie strain it. Alternatively you can take melon seeds off & use pomegranate juice. But using seeds add fiber to your drink.
  • Add crushed ice. I prefer it at room temperature.

Recipe Notes

  • When using seeds you have to blend it 2-3 times.
  • Consume immediately because Chia seeds starts thickening your smoothie
  • Strain before adding chia seeds else you will take this nutrition pack off your drink

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