Brain Omelette

Brain Omelette - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers
Recipe Cuisine TypeChettinadIndianSouth Indian

About Brain Omelette

All the non-veg eaters including kids have craze for Brain, because of its soft texture. Whenever we are to Madurai, we never miss to go to Amma Mess รƒยขรขโ€šยฌรขโ‚ฌล“ too many varieties. I came to know the hotel through my mother-in-law, she loves their biryani. Now I love the hotel a lot, when we are in plan to Madurai, first of all we just set the timetable for Amma Mess. I love each and every food items from their hotel. One of my favorite is brain omelette, so recently I have tried in my home, the taste was too good
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Served AsDinnerLunch
Servings - 5




  • Peel and finely chop the onions (very small pieces).
  • Clean and mince the brain into very fine pieces.
  • Wash and finely chop the coriander leaves.
  • Break the eggs in a wide mouth bowl and beat them till fluffy.
  • Add in the minced brain and beat them well.
  • Add in the turmeric powder, chili powder, garam masala or curry masala, pepper powder, coriander leaves and salt.
  • Heat oil in pan, spoon the egg mixture, drizzle oil on the sides of the egg, cover and cook in low fire for about 5 mins.
  • Swap the side and cook for another 3 mins. Remove from fire. Serve hot. Goes out well for lunch and dinner.
  • Note: You can substitute green chilies, instead of chili powder. I have used chili powder, as my kids would pick out the chilies. Adjust the cooking timing, as per the brain getting cooked. Mince Brain to very small pieces, so that it would be easily cooked.

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Madraasi Deepa


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