Black Plum Juice (Jamun)

Black Plum Juice (Jamun) - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers
Recipe Category: Vegetarian

About Black Plum Juice (Jamun)

Black Jamun is summer fruit, it has medicinal benefit. Jamun is good for weight loss, skin care, relieves stomach pain and boots immunity. It can use in salad, desserts, juices and smoothies. Regular consumption of jamun fruits or juices will help with high blood pressure, as a fruit contains notable levels of potassium, which reduces risk of heart attack.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time20 minutes
Total Time20 minutes
Served AsBeverages
Servings - 2




  • Wash the black plum.
    Black Plum Juice (Jamun) - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers
  • Squeeze the fruits and remove the seeds. Blend the flesh with a blender.
  • Strain with adding water. Add black salt and pink salt. Serve the healthy medicinal juice.
    Black Plum Juice (Jamun) - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

Recipe Notes

It can be preserved in fridge use regular or whenever you need.
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Geeta Biswas
Geeta Biswas

Are you missing old, traditional recipes? I, Geeta Biswas would love to share all those different tasty and traditional recipes. Most of my recipes are simple and very creative as I try to add twist and easy steps to prepare each and every recipe.


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