Bhapa Dohi

Bhapa Dohi - Plattershare - Recipes, food stories and food lovers

About Bhapa Dohi

Bhapa Dohi is a traditional Indian Sweet from west Bengal. Its very delicious and easy to make with only three Ingredient.
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Recipe Time & More

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Served AsDesserts
Servings - 7




  • Prepare steamer vessel with water, on the gas stove.
  • Meanwhile mix curd, condensed milk and cow milk into a blending jar. Blend for a few minutes.
  • Pour mixture into a mold or a bowl and put it in steamer. Steam for 15-20 minutes.
  • Take out from steamer and allow to come to room temperature. Refrigerate for sometime. Serve it cool with Pistachios and Almond Slivers.
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Dr. Nehal Shah
Dr. Nehal Shah

Hi, Friends I'm an Ayurveda Doctor. I love to cook, explore modern culinary skills and share some ayurvedic recipes on my fb page and YouTub


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