Jamun Cake (blackberry)
Jamun cake (blackberry) Jamun has lots of nutritional supplements. It is a juicy fruit which…
Jamun cake (blackberry) Jamun has lots of nutritional supplements. It is a juicy fruit which…
Chatpata jamun Kids don’t like to have jamun. Mom’s failure to feed them. Here is…
Black Jamun has a medicinal value and it summer fruit. Black Jamun is good for…
Black Jamun is summer fruit, it has medicinal benefit. Jamun is good for weight loss,…
Black jamuns are known to be very beneficial to diabetics. Blend them together with some…
This recipe is a category of fast food. But it is low fat low calories.…
Jamun shots is a refreshing summer drink prepared from jamun which is a summer fruit…
This recipe has lots of vitamin C folic acid and fiber. Good for diabetic patients
Black plum or jamun is very easily available in summer and rainy season. It is…